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Cultural Creatives
owe the highest loyalty neither to the state, which is a mechanism, nor to
spiritual institutions, which are only part of life, but not the organism of
life; their faithfulness must belong to the spiritual self, their being to the
Cultural Spirit, which is present in them and in everybody; by finding the
spiritual, the healing agape of their being, within themselves and express it in
the Cultural Community they can heal illnesses in the community through dialogue
as well as helping the whole humanity through peace conferences (Exodus 34:23).
Women will make progress by accepting the influence of the Cultural Creatives
and further spread it into the world: giving form to the holy spirit and
expressing it. If spiritual men's soul cultures are no longer being received by
women, humanity will be plagued by pandemic-like 'untimely death': one covers up
one's neurotic behaviour with intellectual phrases and deluded manners – which
seems to be spreading all over the world. If men lack holiness, soulful spirit,
then women are constantly being aroused in their material spheres {luxury, sex
and power}, their creative energies are being abused by the state and
senselessly wasted in the supernova breeze of the freedom of self-art: one
identifies with ego-personality, chases after mundane pleasures or becomes
"mystically-spiritually" selfish. Children then adopt habits with which they
will destruct themselves. The person, who is full of pious dogmas, tends to hold
them too rigidly for himself: one then expects that divine women and
god-conscious men should behave according to the dogmatic standard of his "the
good". If then something does not fit one's own particular idea of piety, one is
ready to criticise in a condemning way. Therefore, the thought and life of
Krishna was adopted by artists, poets and musicians, this gave rise to a new
religion: the realisation of the religion of the divine in natural human life.
Women have their special standard of good and evil, right and wrong. This
standard is formed from what they themselves have experienced in their intimate
lives so far, what they have seen on TV or heard about others, and which is
mostly related to how they were influenced as an embryo in the womb by the
belief in a particular religion, and also how strongly they identify with being
born into a particular class/ nation. But what can really be called good or bad,
right or wrong, is that which comforts their divine spirit or causes great
discomfort in them, to distinguish between good and evil lies in the feminine
nature. In fact it is the self-glorifying nationalistic ego of men that causes
the suffering of humanity.
Marien-Mythos als Mann und Wiederkehrender Christus als Frau Das Glück der Menschheit liegt darin, was die göttlich-weibliche Seele für schön hält. Dass Männer wieder lernen, Asha Vahishta, den Maßstab der Göttlichen Mutter anzunehmen, statt, ökonomischen Zwängen folgend, die Welt dem eigenen Maßstab von "Gut und Böse" anzupassen, dies ist die wichtigste Lektion von 'Religion' (Zend Avesta, Yasna: Ashem Vohu). 'Sich möglichst schnell freizumachen von der peinlichen Ergriffenheit vor einem fremden Unglück, was nur eine instinktive Abwehr des fremden Leidens von der eigenen Seele ist' (Stefan Zweig), dies ist auch Mitleid, und zwar Selbstmitleid. Böse aber sind wir, sofern wir anderen Leid, ja Tod bringen, weil wir das Erbarmen unserer erleuchteten Seele unterlassen.
Fouquet, 'The Holy Trinity' (c.
spirit was so enraptured that it seemed to me that it was almost completely
outside my body. I saw the most holy humanity with more overflowing glory than I
had ever seen: it was shown to me by marvellous and clear knowledge how the Lord
rests on the breasts of the Father. I could not express how this is, for without
seeing it, I felt as if I would see myself in the presence of this divinity. It
seems as if this highest of visions purifies the soul to a high degree, taking
away almost all the power of our sensual world. It is a mighty flame that burns
up and destroys all the desires of life, it shows how null and void the
sovereign dignities of this world are. And it is a powerful teaching to elevate our
desires to pure truth. Thereby a reverence is impressed upon us which I could
not describe, but which is quite different from anything what we can acquire
here. It fills the soul with great horror to see how we dared, or are still
daring, to insult such an exceedingly great majesty."
Teresa of Avila - The Book
of My Life, 38,18, GW 1. Dobhan, Peeters Freiburg, Basel, Vienna 2001 'Betrachtung des Lichtes des Reichs. Fördernd ist es, als Gast eines Königs zu wirken.' (I GING 20). Heiliger Ernst muss im Dialog zu sehen sein. Dazu ist nicht nur 'Andacht der Männer zum höchsten weiblichen Ideal' das Fundament. Kontemplative Sammlung der Frauen ist nötig, die weit über 'Imaginieren Gottes' hinausgeht. Der Geist Buddhas muss an den maßgebenden Platz in die Nächsten liebenden Seelen gebracht werden, um im Reich der Hauskirche zu heilen. Dabei ist Gottes formloser Wille im Spiegel der Seele Gast, wo Er selbständig wirken, den Dharma lehren kann, sodass die Frau durch Wertschätzung in der Gemeinde Selbstwert erlangt, und nicht mehr trauernde Wut pflegen muss. Das Geheimnis verstehend, wie man Psychosen zur Abwesenheit im Charakter schafft, offenbart die göttlichen Lebensgesetze. Dann geht vom Antlitz der Frau eine geheimnisvolle geistige Macht aus, die auf Männer wirkt und kollektive Iblis-Natur zu ihrer Seele unterwirft, ohne dass Frauen sich eigentlich bewusst sind, wie das zugeht. Dann ist 'Gastfreundschaft, geschwisterliche Liebe und den Gefangenen befreien' (Hebräer 13) erlangt.
„Somit enthülle ich das Wort, das mich der Allgegenwärtige
gelehrt hat: Wer auch immer mir Gehorsam leistet und unerschütterliche
Aufmerksamkeit (die Buddha-Natur des nicht-konzeptuellen Mitgefühls) zeigt, wird
das Allumfassende Vollkommene Sein und Unsterblichkeit erlangen; durch den
Dienst des heiligen göttlichen Geistes wird er Ahura Mazda verwirklichen.
Schaue nach innen mit dem durchdringenden erleuchteten Geist und suche die
Wahrheit für dein persönliches Selbst, um das niedrige Selbst und das grobe
physische, selbstsüchtige Ego durch die Entwicklung deines besseren und höheren
Selbst zu überwältigen, um schließlich das beste Absolute Wesen [Vahisht Ahura]
und das höchste Selbst [Vahyo] von Ahura Mazda oder der letzten
Wirklichkeit des Universums [Asha Vahishta] zu erkennen.“ Sant Kirpal Singh:
Die Seele und die Überseele, Der Yoga in den Schriften
An Los Angeles – Stadt der Königin der Engel
>> Index >> Synthesis – Cultural Heritage of Humanity
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essence Alpha
et Omega
Table of contents of each chapter
Musical Introduction
»significatio passiva«
Book of
Situation: Anamnesis und anā-lysis
Of the Inner Images
Of the masters’ understanding
Dieu sensible
au Cœur
Heartsore and Resilience
F. God's Miracles
Appeal to the Women
Global Warning
Psyche-Analysis Spiritualis
The Interreligious Dialogue
Ethics and Planetary Consciousness
Knowledge and und Vision
Women's sacred science is the creatrix of the New Age
of the Feminine side of God
III. Seelenkultur und Planetarisches Bewusstsein
The significance of mercy
Holy Grail – In the evening there will be light
the marriage
Cultural Heart and Immaculate Conception
Relationship situation on Planet Earth
About healing hormones and poisoning substances
Integral Ethics
with the wise serpent
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred
New Mythology – The Religion after the religions
V. Transcultural
Synthesis – Cultural Heritage of Humanity
and Songs
Universel: Narrative des Heiligen und des Humanum
last words
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy (ISSAT)
Canticum Graduum
The Cosmic Mandala
Vom Flügelschlag der Schmetterlinge