To the east, the old snake sat
in the iron bushes and fed there
the wolves' race1.
Of them all, one becomes the worst:
the superhuman form of
the murderer of the moon.
He is fattened by the marrow of felled
the hall of the blessed is sullied by blood.
The sun's glow darkens
in summers to come
all weathers rage:
Do you know what this means?
Older Edda, Völuspa
out for false prophets.
They come to you in sheep’s clothing,
but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.
(Matthew 7:15)
Swear by thy gracious self, Which is the god of my idolatry,
And I'll believe thee.
(Romeo & Julia)
The political self of men is a merciless
dictator, keeping his own soul away from the realm of heaven of
spiritual femininity. Enamoured of her projections, bound by
ignorance, the blinded female nature, allows herself in her
most important centre to be set into arousal in the wrong
direction; obedient and faithfully devoted, the princess
supports the desire of her ego-king: the
discrimination-capable female intelligence is flooded into
marshland by unrestrained sensual desire, the female soul
dies of thirst by the Fata Morgana of her longing. Disgusted
by the compulsion to sell herself again and again, the
regions of the feminine divine bodily kingdom, otherwise to
be fertilised by spiritual sources, become deserted regions.
Afflicted by premature ageing as well as diseases of
pandemic dimensions, female nature henceforth keeps itself
withdrawn, extinct of duty to her spiritually active
personality. Children grow up, imbibed by grandmothers’
nerves, the special interest that no one else exists for
mother but the relatives; inherited from their forefathers
that one is only interested in one’s work, one’s people,
one’s institute: in money and in nothing else. Under these
influences, led by compassionless male money-reason, the
community becomes uncoordinated, incapable, powerless. Men
build their luxury pleasures (Trump towers) in excess. Foreign
policy is urging defensive warfare: everyone has to give his
life, to defend tradition and morality – men’s rights of
united nations.
The seed of Mary
We differ in our language regarding the direction of the
ascending or descending consciousness which comes either
impulses of the warlike egregores that rule over everything
or springs from the actions of dharma-giving,
neighbor-loving angelic beings, that wisdom that reveals
merciful humanity through holy compassion. Our decision to
act ethically does not come from the thinking of wolves,
that eros which only develops qualities that is primarily
useful to father and son, but from the compassionate soul to
free people from suffering. The unbridled mind produces
illusions of a ruling morality in which the actions
performed by self-centered, national, dynastic
consciousnesses of self-satisfied fathers appear good and
useful; while wisdom {pistis sophia}, redeemed from the
tainted light-power of her soul by dharma-giving, flows down
as life-sophia {the consciousness manifesting Planetary
„Alle Geburt ist Geburt aus Dunkel ans Licht.
Das Samenkorn des menschlichen Geistes muss
in die Erde versenkt werden und in der Finsternis sterben,
damit die schönere Lichtgestalt sich erhebe und am
Sonnenstrahl sich entfalte.“ (F.
Schelling, Über das Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit)

‚I beheld the Lord in a white robe. One
hand was raised for the blessing,
the other
touched the robe on the breast. From the opening
of the robe on the breast
two great rays emanated, one red and one pale.‘
(S. Faustina).
There are two lateral trunks of
autonomic nervous system1,
which flank the spinal column on the right and on the left;
whereby, according
to the Tibetans, the right channel is described as red and
the left channel as white.
The right channel is associated with verbal expression (left
brain activity), the left:
subjective, feeling, intuitive expression (men's 'guidance'
through women's hearts).
At the connection point of each chakra, the right and left
cords wind around the central
channel. Christ – as men and women – can only be realised
through synthesis
of opposing affirmations, which has an immediate effect on
our way
of thinking and on the focus of our consciousness.
the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life.
(2 Corinthians 2:16)
The ABC of the Symphony of Peace
(based on the image of
the wheel of St Brother Klaus, p.104)
(A) The goodness
of the Genius – "He comes on earth with a message,
as a dove from above, when Dharma decays"1
– begets the perfection of love, the Great Mother's
{Frigg} absolute law, which keeps everything in the
universe in balance (the ray from below upwards).
(B) His spirit "speaks the word that is put into his
mouth [namely 'that all phenomena agree in essence (shunyata)'],
just as the light fills the crescent moon"; this
brings the foundation for harmony in the world to
the Great Goddess {Freya /Netzach /Victoria}:
freedom. In this way can the social peace arise
(the ray from top left to bottom right). (C) Its
expanding vastness (the ray from upper right to
lower left) renews the Universal Church [the Church for all and for all Churches] and
leads Saint Mary {of Magdala} to her vocation2.
and wherever there is a decline in religious practice and a predominant
rise of irreligion, at that time I descend Myself.
order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as
to re-establish the principles of religion,
I advent Myself millennium after millennium.
(Bhagavad-gita IV.7-8)
of Magdala went to the disciples and told them:
I have seen the Lord. And she reported what he had told her.
(John 20:18)
Durch Minderung niederer Kräfte
werden die höheren Seiten unserer Seele bereichert.
Ohne Seelentätigkeit bleibt Männlichkeit seiner
eigensinnigen Stärke verhaftet; ohne vollendete
Spiritualität strebt das Weibliche impulsiver
Lustigkeit zu, die sich auf Kosten kosmischen Lebens
zu profanem Treiben entwickelt. Der Zorn der Männer
muss durch Stillehalten ihrer Seele (tavistock-working-conference)
gemindert, das bewusste persönlichkeitswogende
Getriebe der Frauen durch Einschränkung in den
göttlichen Willen gehemmt werden.
(I GING 43).
Es sind die erleuchteten Seelen, die
und vergeben',
dass Frauen so sind, wie sie sind und wo sie sind –
aber auch, wie Zusammenwirken für den Frieden im
Bewusstsein verbundener Komplementarität geschieht,
Kraft des Höchsten Frauen überschattet'
(Lukas 1:35)
und transkulturelle Synthese die Menschheit
zusammenführt. „Sie fragen dich nach dem heiligen
Geist der Seele. Dann sprich: die Seele ist eine
Tätigkeit Gottes, doch nur wenig ist euch vom Wissen
über die Seele zugekommen.
ist nichts als Barmherzigkeit Gottes. Die meisten
Menschen bestehen aber auf Unglauben. Für die, die
Gott irreführt, wirst du außer Ihm keine Freunde
Qur'an 17,97.
Patrick de Maré, Robin Piper, Sheila Thomson:
Koinonia: From Hate Through Dialogue to Culture in
Large Group, London 1991; Karnac // On
Dialogue, Hrsg.
Nichol, London & New York 1996; Routledge
[David Bohm, Der Dialog – Das offene Gespräch am
Ende der Diskussionen,
Hrsg. Lee Nichol, Klett-Cotta].