Millennium Music Poetry  THE BOOK OF CHANTS


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Index   essence  Alpha et Omega  







G.  Questions

Who are men? and what is the aesthetic humanist ideal that leads to the life of their creative soul? What is men's relationship to women? Are men important for women? Are men rather profane-material or spiritual-creative to women? Do women have a hostile attitude towards men? Truly, 'every word spoken arouses the opposite sense' (Goethe). 'Yes, who calls even one soul his on earth! And who never was able to do so, let him weep and steal himself from this union!' (Beethoven, 9th Symphony, 'Ode to Joy').

There is a consciousness in which woman and man cannot be separated at all, but are absolutely One and the very same. When the masculine comes down into his heart with the spiritual flame of community-centred cultural spirit, the feminine arises from the abysses of the collective psyche (I GING 29) to the lotus of her soul. Here 'awakening of the human spirit' becomes an immediate event, and it is such an action that we need in order to explain 'Planetary Consciousness' at all. But that dialogue culturally sustains and sanctifies the earth, for this to happen, men must break with their ego-centered state of consciousness, the law of Protestant violence and their silence in paternal obedience.

Why am I staying in 'house church'? What purpose do I have to fulfil here? What is my duty in life? And wherein lies my happiness? And what makes my life unhappy? Men, whose cultural souls are already enlightened by the knowledge of their archetypal self, understand: „Wir sind es, die dem strebendem Individuum wie auch dem Kollektiv der Frauen den Nutzen unseres seelischen Handelns weitergeben, damit jene, deren Herzen noch nicht entzündet und deren Seelen noch nicht erleuchtet sind, den Weg gehen können, der zum Frieden der Menschheit führt.“ Archetypen sind in ihren Funktionen erlernbar; sie sind eigentlich die Lehre von Motiven: sie sind 'das göttliche Erbarmen'.

Does women's consciousness have its origin in the subtle world – that incorruptibility of the spiritual message 'immaculate conception', which has its source in the cosmic-soul nature of the prophets, saints and masters, in the spiritual gift of leadership (charity) of the »house church« –, they can distinguish between genuine and fictitious ethical intentions of men {their criticism of moralities}. Then the court of the winter solstice takes responsibility upon itself, which establishes peace and sovereignty.

"Discernment is the light that dispels all darkness, scatters ignorance, and spices all virtue and unvirtuous deeds. It possesses a knowledge that cannot be deceived, a power that cannot be shaken, and an endurance extending from heaven to earth: from the knowledge of God to the knowledge of oneself, from the love of God to the love of one's neighbour. In true humility it flees the pitfalls of the devil and of creatures and avoids them with prudence. With a defenceless hand – through great endurance – discernment has vanquished the devil and the flesh. By the help of this sweet and glorious light, by which the soul sees and despises its weakness, it recognised the old world as vile and forced it under its feet. Mocking it, it thus became its mistress. When the soul has received virtue in the movement of its love, when it has tried it out on its neighbour and it has come alive in him the whole world can no longer deprive the soul of virtue. It is like of a woman: If she has conceived a child, but does not bring it into the world so that men may see it, her spouse considers himself childless. So also do I say, I who I am the bridegroom of the soul: If she does not give life to the child of virtue in charity in neighbourly love – and shows this in general and in particular, as required – then she has not truly received virtue within herself. The same I say also about sins: Each of them is committed against the neighbour." (Caterina of Siena, Patroness of Europe and Teacher of the Church; in: Caterina of Siena, GA Bd.11 'The Dialogue: Conversation with God on his providence', p. 13; complete translation Claudia Reimüller, editor Werner Schmid 2017, Verlag St. Josef Kleinhain, Austria).

War due to the pride of mothers and their daughters
Does the guilt of women begin, alongside genocide, to live in careless tranquillity and erotic pleasure with men, without psychoanalytically helping the miserable and the poor, 'so that they and their daughters become conceited2'? For what do women desire in their relational endeavours other than to have »God's witness« in their husbands to be »good«. But the SENSE of love is not this realisation. The spirit of dialogue-critical spirit in the community3 (cf. I GING 15,6) is that which keeps the soul-fundament of the gender relationship man and woman, and thus planet earth, healthy. The principles: 'mutual encouragement'4 and 'practicing the spiritual gifts'5, 'the uniting of brothers and sisters for personal community'6 and the common banquet, 'transparency with mutual submission'7 and 'Psychosynthesis in analytical dialogue8 in the koinonia of the healing spirit'9 – all this works best in the context of a small group that comes together. In this way, transcultural discourse replaces the martial murder of Russia and Iran.

1And when We said to the angels, "Prostrate yourselves before Adam." So they prostrated except Iblis.
He refused and behaved haughtily, and he was one of the disbelievers.
(Qur'an, Sura 2:34)

2The guilt of your sister Sodom was that she and her daughters were haughty,
that they had plenty to eat and dwelt in careless repose,
without helping the miserable and the poor.
(Ezekiel 16:49)

People ate and drank and married until the day Noah entered the ark; then the flood came and destroyed them all.
And it will be just as it was in the time of Lot: they ate and drank, bought and sold, planted and built.
But on the day Lot left Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from the sky and everyone perished.
It will be the same on the day when the Son of Man is revealed.
(Luke 17:27-30)

3Beware of fornication! Every other sin that a person commits remains outside the body. But he who commits fornication
sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit,
which dwells in you and which you have from God? You do not belong to yourselves!
(1 Corinthians 6:18-19)

4And let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds,
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another –
and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
(Hebrews 10:24-25)

5So what is to be done, brothers? When you come together, each one contributes something:
One a psalm, another a teaching, another a revelation; one speaking in tongues, and another interprets it.
Let everything be done in such a way that it builds up.
(1 Corinthians 14:26)

6Through him the whole building is held together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord.
Through him you also are being built up in the Spirit into a dwelling place for God.
(Ephesians 2:21-22)

7Therefore, my brothers, I am firmly convinced that you are doing much good,
that you have rich knowledge and are able to reprove one another.
(Romans 15:14)

If anyone is tempted to transgress, my brothers, you who are filled with the Spirit should bring him back to the right path in a spirit of gentleness. But be careful that you yourselves do not fall into temptation. Bear one another's burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ. He who imagines himself to be something when he is nothing deceives himself. Let everyone examine his own behaviour. Then he will be able to boast only in regard to himself, but not in comparison with others. For everyone will have his own burden to bear. Whoever is taught the gospel should share everything he has with his teacher. (Galatians 6:1-6)

Therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so that you may be sanctified. The fervent prayer of a righteous man can do much.
My brothers, if anyone among you strays from the truth and someone persuades him to repent, know this: If anyone persuades a sinner
who is going astray to repent, he will save him from death and cover many sins.
(James 5:16,19-20)

8Two or three prophets should also speak; the others should judge. But if another person present receives a revelation, let the first be silent; one by one you may all speak prophetically. In this way everyone learns something and everyone is encouraged. The utterance of prophetic inspiration is subject to the will of the prophets. For God is not a God of disorder, but a God of peace. As is customary in all congregations of the saints, women are to remain silent in the assembly. They are to be submissive, just as the law demands. If they want to know something, they should ask their husbands at home. Did the word of God go out from you? Did it only come to you? If anyone thinks he is a prophet or filled with the Spirit, let him recognise in what I am writing to you a commandment from the Lord. Whoever does not recognise this will not be recognised. Strive therefore, my brothers, for the gift of prophecy, and do not hinder anyone from speaking in tongues. But let all things be done decently and in order. (1 Corinthians 14:29-40)

9To this day, the covering remains on their hearts when Moses is read aloud.
But as soon as someone turns to the Lord, the covering is removed. But the Lord is the Spirit,
and where the Spirit of the Lord is at work, there is freedom.
(2 Corinthians 3:15-17)

And all those who had become believers formed a community and had everything in common. They sold their possessions and goods and gave to all, each as much as he needed.
Day after day they stayed in the temple with one accord, breaking bread in their homes and eating together in joy and simplicity of heart.
They praised God and were loved by all the people. And the Lord added to their fellowship daily those who were to be saved.
(Acts 2:44-47)

Of the healing glances of enlightened male souls
 In the glance of the dervish it is a matter of purifying oneself shaking off everything that lies as a shadow over the soul; this is what makes radiant. Rama's glance serves to communication so that femininity understands the 'great action' they perform (namely, for union it is not enough to be radiant: 'the light that transpires' – just as the light of the moon transpires through a crystal – must illuminate women’s intention). By means of the glance of Shiva, the heart is sanctified to conceive 'Him who is the Holy One of the Saints'. Desires, longing, feelings, heartbeats and all other senses are transformed in the atmosphere of Shiva into something completely different: they are united among each other and no longer in conflict; they form a harmony when the mind 'sees by hearing and hears by seeing'. The glance of Krishna – le génie de la liberté – clothes the souls with the garment of faith, hope and love, so that now One Conscience, as 'the voice that always cometh from within' speaks how humans are to practise these three virtues; for culture without virtue is not wisdom, virtue without wisdom is no culture.

The thwarted dervish  "You can't do that!" said the father, "you have to beget the successor", "and worshipping the Messiah is not good either!", thus he was taught. "Worshipping the Immaculata is not right at all.", added his mother, and "When grown-ups speak, children say nothing", he was admonished. So he kept quiet from then on. "Don't be so stupid!", the teacher rebuked. And the boy stopped asking questions. "He's so clumsy and not at all talkative", was the girls' judgement. That made him sad. "Don't sit about in the house!", his father criticised. "What are you looking for in the street?", asked his mother. "He seems to be uptight", said the psychologists. "Locked up!", said the instructor. "Dreamy. What's to become of him?" "I don't need him", was the judgement of a boss, "puts off my customers, hardly speaks, doesn't have a mind of his own. Doesn't ask anything either. Strange oddball!" "Organically healthy!", said the doctor. "And he was such a pretty child", whispered the neighbours, "everyone looked after him." But he couldn't cope with life – he was found with 'jihad and drugs'.

In the beginning was order  The darkness of chaos was created by man. We now need to return to order. Are we collapsing under the weight of nationalism, spiritual tradition and religious past? Does our brain not have the ability to transform its own structure so that it frees itself from the past and becomes alive and new? 'A completely new element must be added. An extraordinarily good understanding is necessary; but that is not enough: the cultural genius must be brought to light and thus people who have a good understanding, but who are also full of love and compassion and moreover, possess a spiritual quality, something altogether unworldly' (P. Jayakar, 'Krishnamurti – A Biography', Harper & Row 1986, ch. 34).

Abraham and Melchisedec
 The soulless, even if spiritually ascended, cannot have a healing effect on chaotic worlds of thought and feelings in women – the rebellion of the feminine, which manifests itself in "climate change" (floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions) because he believes in clinging to his nationalistic-economic world. A soulless world of men does not believe in the possibilities of a creative, sensitive cultural world of the healing spirit; one tries through exclusion [see on the other hand 'The patronage of Abraham'1] to completely erase the traces of the activity and grace of this healing spirit. This danger supports 'pious women of advanced age', the time when women again are given the opportunity to change the flow of their thoughts and feelings in the direction of their more girlish soul. When sorrow turns into joy and despondency into hope, many imagine that they can just as easily change the warlike world of men too. What a big mistake! Women, with perfect spiritual psychic capacity, can only connect with this fruitful culture, brought forth by the soul-spirit of men, and live in "light, love, joy, peace, faithfulness"2. This world of priest healers (Brahmins) is not a material reality, it is the cultural-creative world of humanity. The objective world of subjective social circles exists in equal measure; it enters into a relationship through patronage with the healing world of creative souls.

1Melchisedec, the king of Salem, brought out bread and wine. He was a priest of the Most High God.
He blessed Abram and said, "Blessed be Abram from the Most High God, the Creator of heaven and earth,
and blessed be the Most High God, who has delivered your enemies to you.
Abram then gave him a tithe of everything.
(Genesis 14:18-20)

2But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Against such things there is no law.
(Galatians 5:22-23)

Step-Path of Notre-Dame towards the »One«
 I. Novice: Self-purification of the dark, gloomy spheres. II. Novice Mistress: Magistra of mystical love; becoming void of the heart through imagination of the animus; by being guided towards the opening of the conscience, respectful counselling sisterhood is unfolding. III. Subprioress: Dharma-giving, the open heart to the Inner Voice; healing in the emotion of a friendship on equal levels of mind. IV. When the heart has thus awakened to the desireless ecstasy of the soul, Beethoven's Ninth Symphony 'Brotherhood in the Fatherhood of God' can become a reality.

Dialogue and Planetary Consciousness – Basics
For the healing of the earth and for peace in the world, it is necessary to create internationally through patronage that Cultural Space where men with soul-atmosphere, spiritual conscience and revealed word support women who, be it with divine power, mystical imagination or goddess intelligence, have made themselves ready to share their voice and thoughts with the world and to give expression to social issues.

A king approaching his clan, does not fear you. Hail! (I Ching 37 The Clan 5). "King" is the image of Rama, the patriarchal, inwardly rich (Marian) man [for the unenlightened manager the woman is replaceable, not a part of his life]. But here, moreover, community can have confidence because brotherly love (cultural patronage) prevails. Thus his nature exerts the right influence by itself. His work is awe-inspiring. If women have developed their soul-character in such a way that they can act impressively in spiritual power of inner truth in analytical dialogue, all goes well in the community. 'Salvation then happens through that order of women which is ultimately based on the powerful Buddha-personality of house-mistresses' (I Ching 37.6 The Clan). The heart that is constantly vibrating in the soul spirit, can take responsibility itself for the healing of the world in a leading position; i.e. the more alive women are in the Buddha-mind '"What is the situation? What are the causes? Which path brings healing?"', the more they can respond with love to every reflection of beauty in men's soulful behaviour.

'If you want to answer the questions of the world, you can give answers from the solitude of your enlightened soul, like life and death. It is not true that that this deep, dense solitude is misanthropic; you serve the cause of humanity wholeheartedly when you withdraw from its affairs. Remain solitary [in the solitude of God]; remember! (dhikr/remembrance). Then remain solitary in your soul and give answers. Do not give in to hope: there is no other solution.' Márai Sándor and Ernö Zeltner, Himmel und Erde, Betrachtungen, Munich, Piper 2001, pp.217-218.

Is humanity part of forming the universe? – There are connections which, quite apart from personal views, raise the serious question as to whether soulless life is sustainably maintaining the universe at all. Galaxies collapse as self-contained system (Patriarchal "Religions") or burst as an open organism in a state of self-acceleration:  Big Bang, the moment of orgiastic procreation leads to its counterpart, the Great Collapse; the daughters of Harmonia with their democracy of beauty, encouraged by the vain masculine (Kronos), have feast on their own children. There, the boiling caldron with its guard-house transmutes into the Cosmic Chalice of Sophia’s Ark with its pleiades (Seven Sisters) the Shield of Achilles ['the one with the Kerubim'1].

1Make two cherubs of beaten gold and carve them out of the two ends of the cover plate.
Make one cherub at one end and one at the other; on the cover plate make the cherubim at the two ends.
(Exodus 25:18-19)

Only in firm trust in the transforming communicative logos in dialogue, which is inherent in the noble cosmopolitan personality 'Rama', can the fate of the planet still become favourable. "Ignorance of universal marriage laws is no excuse. To sin recklessly, however, is a grave crime, unworthy of good men, who are wiser than bad women"1. But when men are being tempted by the state to become involved with 'bad women who offer themselves to them'2, this is an extremely dangerous situation for planet Earth. Neuroses, the conditioning based on psychological power structures, cannot be cured by criticising the soul.

1With the extinction of the clan, its eternal traditions are also being destroyed.
When these sacred customs collapse, lawlessness overwhelms the entire tribe.
(Bhagavad-gita I.39)

2Bad women belong to bad men, and bad men belong to bad women.
Good women belong to good men, and good men belong to good women.
These are absolved from what is said about them.
Surely for them is forgiveness and good sustenance.
(Qur'an, Sura 24:26)

The future belongs to those who give future generations reason to hope.
Change happens when men, overcoming their false ego, 'flee from the depraved lust that prevails in the world, receive a share in the divine nature of the Great Mother, put all diligence into combining with their faith virtue, with virtue knowledge, with knowledge self-restraint and perseverance, with perseverance piety, with piety brotherhood and with brotherhood love'
1. It is this love that will liberate women from indolence and unfruitfulness, which they must suffer when men, blind and short-sighted, fail to establish the path of ethics.

1For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But whoever does not have them is short-sighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins. (2 Peter 1:5-9)

The 'healing of humanity' can happen in the humane foundation that women and men, beyond their personal ego, use their altruistic Dharma soul that is bestowed upon them. – How would Christ have fared as a woman if She had lived today? She would have been unexpectedly stranded at a spiritual institution; accepting male values (paternalism, pleasure marriage), would She have become a warrior? or possibly sick?

Can anyone kill life? – The ice of the I-will makes people freeze to vinegar
The universal religious idea is that there is one heaven, dharma-giving souls who are the Unified Being 'in love of the Lord and in love of neighbour'. But what has taken possession of this soul of ours? A deluded ego that proclaims: "Me and my family", "my nation, my continent!" – deluded by physical and mental consciousness, it has labelled itself as an individual, often as 'the spiritual one'; it is these limitations by the ego {national, familial, mystical, spiritualistic1, transcendental} that push the world into the abyss. The ego can be filled with a capacity of 'false self', or with the capacity of 'enlightened soul'; however, there is only room for one: either we live with our familial, national, continental limitations, the pious delusion of psychosomatic illnesses and politically motivated wars, or we let the enlightened soul reign in its unlimited activity, forming One Humanity in cosmopolitan freedom. The action of enlightened souls is thus the happiness of Planet Earth – there is no other in a sustainable way.

1So speaking in tongues is a sign not for believers but for unbelievers,
but prophecy is a sign not for unbelievers but for believers.
(Corinthians 14:22)

Dharmarakshita: The wheel of sharp weapons – the star-shaped projectile
 Where a man should be ashamed, men – by the state – have no feelings of shame. Thus it is that women take something they have nothing to be ashamed of and in a twisted way for shameful things. Green Tara crushes these ideas ["Mary, standing on the moon, crushes Satan's head"1 – thereby she becomes The One who loves her beloved and recognises that she is The Beloved she loves].

1And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers;
he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.
(Genesis 3:15)

Then a great sign appeared in the sky: a woman clothed with the sun;
The moon was under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.
(Secret Revelation 12:1)


>> Index      >> Appeal to the Women







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essence  Alpha et Omega

Table of contents of each chapter

Musical Introduction

»significatio passiva«
A. Book of Chants
Situation: Anamnesis und anā-lysis
C. I. Of the Inner Images
II. Of the masters’ understanding
D. Dieu sensible au Cœur
Heartsore and Resilience
F. God's Miracles
G. Questions

H. Appeal to the Women
I. Global Warning
   Cultural analytical Dialogue
J. The Interreligious Dialogue
Ethics and Planetary Consciousness
L. Knowledge and und Vision
I. Women's sacred science is the creatrix of the New Age
Worship of the Feminine side of God
III. Seelenkultur und Planetarisches Bewusstsein
The significance of mercy
Holy Grail – In the evening there will be light
Of the marriage
Cultural Heart and Immaculate Conception
Relationship situation on Planet Earth
P. About healing hormones and poisoning substances
Integral Ethics
R. Women-Universel-Global-Ethics
S. Healing with the Wise Serpent
T. Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy
U. New Mythology – the Religion after the religions
V. Transcultural Mentoring
Transculturality and Humanity
Prayers and Songs
Universel – Intertextual Human Experience
last words
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy (ISSAT)
Canticum Graduum
The Cosmic Mandala
Vom Flügelschlag der Schmetterlinge