Millennium Music Poetry  THE BOOK OF CHANTS


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Index   essence  Alpha et Omega  







The creative expression of love 

II.  The adoration of the feminine side of God

III. Of the healing and unifying powers

About the drama of lost dignity

I. Women's sacred science is the creatrix of the New Age

Spiritual women have their tool of realisation, which is denied to men; but it is incumbent upon men first »to repent and do penance«. The Russian Church (Protestantism) has its alliances with 'concubinage' (China), pleasure marriage (Iran) and India (spiritual patriarchy) – this is the militant bloc that wants to replace Europe, unless noble men succeed, to lead humanity in soul awareness culturally to cosmic consciousness.

From cultural mercy of men to planetary consciousness of women
Without sight, there is no perception. Female sight, however, is not possible without the soul spirit of the man, which is transmitted in love. Yet, if the female soul's divine being (the immaculate conception) does not exist, ego, inertia and hypocrisy will be transmitted instead of willpower; this, however, takes away man's soul spirit. Thus the feminine loses its keenness of sight, and the perception of suffering does not take place.

The event of revelation  When the descending act of planetary intelligence comes into contact with the ascending act of feminine consciousness, the result is: wisdom. The spirit receives the knowledge of the earth through descent, in the ascent of fusion wisdom transforms and resounds as singing: the creation of love. 'Every scripture inspired by God is useful for teachings, for improvement, for education in righteousness, thus the man of God will be ready and equipped for every good work'1; yet a prophecy is not born of human will, but 'in the power of the Holy Spirit sent from heaven'2.

1All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof,
for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God
may be complete, equipped for every good work.
(2 Timothy 3:16-17)

2It was revealed to the prophets that they were serving not themselves but you,
in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news
to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels long to look.
(Peter 1:12)

Of the Cup of the New Covenant
The light of the moon raises Venus to its/his height
From the light of the Divine Mother, the Cultural Creatives come to their light. In the fire of the love of God, nourished in the ascending feminine through contemplation, the spirit of the Cultural-Creative men falls like rain from heaven, and namely without any intervention of the earth. When we observe the nature of life closely, we find that behind the Beautiful World of Femininity in its individual diversity One-illuminated-spiritual-life of men (confraternity) is moving, the worshipped goal and source of women's spiritual personalities. Men's spiritual, cultural-creative service is, so to speak, the »chalice of the Grail« in which the blood of the universe is collected, circulating through the body, heart and soul of the feminine to bring forth Planetary Consciousness. Rama's healing atmosphere, Shiva's blessing service, and Krishna's spiritual substance, are those out of which, all that is seen, is formed in Buddha's intelligence, renewed in the functions, and kept alive. For the remedy, not to place the light of the woman-power of the Planetary Will under the bushel of selfishness, is truly humane action, perfect behavior of character.

Salawaa Tullah Alaika – die Gebete Gottes seien mit Dir  Die schrecklichen Ereignisse, die so heimtückisch unsere Welt bedrohen, werden aufhören, wenn die spirituellen Menschen Europas der vedantischen Weisheit der Großen Mutter, Zacharias Sohn1, und dem bodhisattvischen Gesandten der Großen Göttin {Maria von Bethanien} und geliebten Herrn Maria Magdalenas {Apostolin der Kirche für alle und für alle Kirchen} ihre Gebete schenken.

1Der Engel aber sagte zu ihm: Fürchte dich nicht, Zacharias! Dein Gebet ist erhört worden.
Deine Frau Elisabet wird dir einen Sohn gebären; dem sollst du den Namen Johannes geben.
(Lukas 1:13)

Healing of earthly life
 worst illness is the weariness of men's souls; It is difficult to overcome, in it 'the sleeping devils' are awakening, the dominance relations of 'lord gods' (paternalism) and lord goddesses (Eve and Adam). An unspiritual, pious soul is driven into madness by wounded love, the soulless mind brings heart attack or cancer to the body. The consequences of soul fatigue can be seen everywhere in our world: Deprived of soulful self-activity, many women, – with or without men – are wandering around, forsaking their destiny, to perfect themselves into Planetary Consciousness. The intellect cannot imagine, that the psychotic and neurotic manifestations of women's mental unrest – earthly melancholy, subconscious fears, personal self-pity and pent-up anger – "do not fade away" without a trace, but cause widespread suffering and misery. The healing effect has its cause: Dialogue, the free will of men to penance 'soul time in the community' could protect soul-weary women, if only 'the continuation of life »Under the sign of the rainbow«'1 were known to us. There are many different feelings that can affect men and give them joy and exaltation. But nothing is greater and more sublime than to sacrifice one's faults and weaknesses before the Divine Mother, to beg Her forgiveness in true repentance and humility No ethics, no meditation can give greater joy than sincere repentance before Notre-Dame. Even greater joy is given to those men who, with their all-merciful souls know best how to humble themselves as healers of the collective female psyche before the light of God's femininity. Narcissists who deny the Great Mother and her all-encompassing power, do not want such 'repentance', which consequently, through penance, raises the suffering female minds from earth to heaven for the healing of all sickness. However, men must search for this space-time, so that conditions come together and healing consciousness arises on our planet: they should consider what they can contribute to this! Neurotic masculinity, the narcissistic, soullessness is a big place, we can all agree on that, it's a cold place, it's an empty place, and we agree even more: it has nothing at all to do with 'good women'. It needs the fire of the Holy Spirit, that the Golden Pot needs, to mould the new humanity. Buddha already said: "Learn to love without expecting that you will be loved; you will thereby free yourselves and heal the earth with this freedom!" Unfortunately, women do not value such activity of the senses, they do not even strive for it. On the contrary, one wants to suffer, chained to the materialism of men. One has the feeling that psychological freedom' is a burden. They don't know what to do with the commandment 'Love thy Lord God!' it seems to bore them! With psychotic compulsion, however, and neurotic repression women are well occupied, to manipulate, like an opera diva, with suffering, anger, whining and tears. Were they not told, practising the commandment 'Love your neighbour as yourself' to experience for themselves that the aspiring love for the 'Lord God Buddha' is the most essential, so that love energy which comes down from heaven and passes through their soul, is that space-time which then encourages, refreshes, delights and inspires men, to make peace through dialogue?

1And God said unto Noah: This is the sign of the covenant
that I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth.
(Genesis 9:17)

Koinonia – the sense of universal coming together in religious community
has more and more women who are well past retirement age and it is here the transcultural psycho-synthesis the penance »Psychodrama-Ritual-Festival«, in which the creative spirit of men can keep its women healthy and productive, loving and full of energy (cf. Ephesians 5:27: "So He (the Returning Christ) will make the church appear glorious before him, without stain, wrinkle or other fault; it shall be holy and without blemish"). Looking back into the past creates "age spots", often immense guilt – in oneself and also in others – and thus serious damage to the organism as a whole. Meetings where people tell each other their dreams, is the recycling system, in which women not only learn how to deal with accumulations of damage, of rubbish in their minds: the soulful compassion of men extinguishes warlike cells in humanity!

Nothing is more precious for women than the coming of the renewing cultural spirit through the creative spirit of men. It is like a sudden flash of lightning out of the blue. There is no more noble and meaningful experience. Women, however, do not become all-knowing, all-powerful or perfect immediately after this energy penetrates their hearts, no; they are merely given the opportunity to become humane spirit; that is, it is up to them to manifest this energy to the world. In our time women have to do without the grace of the holy spirit, which is the most terrible loss that humanity can suffer. If, however, noble men {'Abraham and his ten righteous men'1} succeed in bringing the cultural holy spirit into the dialogical community – the price for it is repentance and earnest spiritual striving: long pleading in deepest humility2 in activity (see Psalm 1) until the light of the Holy Spirit is ready to embrace the community with angels' wings in such a way that hearts kindle into the living flame of love {"My soul thirsts for the Lord" Psalm 42:3}. Then, once women are spiritually ready {"My soul longs and languishes" Psalm 84:3}, »the spirit of guidance« takes root, anchoring its roots deep in the autonomic nervous system of womanhood, so that the cultural Holy Spirit never leaves the organism again. Then the living spirit of New Womanhood guides, orders and directs our life and that of the whole humanity with »One Message« emerging from sacred depth.

1Abraham stood yet before the Lord. Then he approached him and said: Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked? What if there are fifty righteous people in the city? Will you really sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it? Far be it from you to do such a thing - to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right? The Lord said: If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake. Then Abraham spoke up again: Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, though I am nothing but dust and ashes, what if the number of the righteous is five less than fifty? Will you destroy the whole city for lack of five people? If find forty-five there, he said, I will not destroy it. Once again he spoke to him: What if only forty are found there? He said: For the sake of forty, I will not do it. Then he said: May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak. What if only thirty can be found there? He answered: I will not do it if I find thirty there. Abraham said: Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, what if only twenty can be found there? He said: For the sake of twenty, I will not destroy it. Then he said: May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there? He answered: For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it. (Genesis 18,23-32)

2Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish. (Psalm 1)

When the female heart lacks the soul – brotherhood : the universal community
If men are unsatisfied in their narcissistic needs, it is noticeable that sex is increasingly only about physical pleasure. "The attraction to see the connections between things was lost; instead, things seemed discrete and disconnected in a way that was uncharacteristic of me. I asked myself: What is happening to me? Although nothing else in my life was going wrong, I began to feel a sense of depression; then, underneath it all, a sense of despair. It was like being in a horror movie, when the light and the glamour of the world sank deeper and deeper – not just after lovemaking, but in everyday life. The inner numbness was progressing. I couldn't pretend to imagine it. An emotional numbness progressed inexorably along with it. I had a feeling that I was somehow losing what made me a woman, and that I couldn't bear to live in that state for the rest of my life." Naomi Wolf, Vagina – A New Biography; One: Does the Vagina Have a Consciousness?

The evolutionary connection between female ecstasy and emotional security which communicates with the women through their autonomic nervous system in their feelings has implications for world peace. Soulless fusion can dramatically affect the evolutionary process of 'becoming-mistress'1 because it makes the evolutionary female response to the Christ-personality impossible. 'He who does not enter the sheepfold through the door, but enters elsewhere, is a great thief and a wretched robber; but he who enters through the door is the shepherd of the sheep; the gatekeeper opens for him, and the sheep listen to his voice' (John 10:2-3) – this means that there is a connection between the vagina, the spiritual brain of women and men's soul actions in the community. In the souls' love of the sexes lies the ability to recognise the connections between things.

1God said to Moses: I Am "Who I Am". And he continued:
Say this to the people of Israel: "I Am" has sent me to you.
(Exodus 3,14)

The Council of the Wise Women
 Common interests unite men, but only in the ideal of the 'Immaculate Conception' lies the goal of »Planetary Consciousness«. Do not waste time with men who do not want to ascend into their spiritual God; do not expect from those who withhold His divine mercy to their Lord into the human dimension of body, heart and soul, that they will change someday: for them, the exploitation of women and depletion of the earth are business models all further discoveries that would lead to health and peace in the world in the cultural field, are thereby hindered and even made impossible; as a result, we deliver our daughters to the wolves, our countries to the Russian bear, and One World to the Chinese dragon.

Psychopathology of the sexes and healing  'Woman' is the one who sometimes thinks of herself and sometimes forgets herself, as she sympathises with a man. By nature, ladies become angelic in old age, they then appear to be selfless, hardly thinking of themselves, as they dreamily cling to grandchildren, certain persons from their past or certain cherished forms of religious traditions. The urge to pursue selfless activity, can often become so manic that teaching the Dharma to 'widows and orphans' in the house church is almost repugnant: 'revenge, self-pity or mere irritation develop into anxiety, emotional dependence, insecurity, excitability, dogmatism and an excessive need for control' (Karl Jaspers, General Psychopathology). Being against the world (against collective fundamentalisms, nationalisms as well as neurotic-spiritual traditions), according to Jaspers, determining for the becoming different of the conditions in the world, is 'the chosen better part, that women should not be deprived of'1, as it enables them the re-entry into the world, to lead with their bodies of power, in ethical responsibility towards themselves and humanity; the women-global-ethics Interreligious Dialogue [accompanied by men's God-fearing who, like Abraham, obey their wives as the 'power of the Highest'2, forgetting their selves in thoughts of Notre Dame] is the first necessity for global peace.

1There is need of only one thing.
Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.
(Luke 10:42)

2God also said to Abraham: As for Sarai your wife, you are no longer to call her Sarai; her name will be Sarah.
I will bless her and will surely give you a son by her. I will bless her so that she will be the mother of nations;
kings of peoples will come from her.
(Genesis 17:15-16)

The angel answered: The Holy Spirit will come on you. The power of the Most High will overshadow you.
Therefore the child you give birth will be holy and he will be called the Son of God.
(Luke 1:35)

Hidden knowledge of love is attained through synthesis, which requires a very different study than the familiar exercises of spirituality. The controlled 'I of God' as man and the selfless 'holiness of the Lord' as woman are those two that interchange, but 'God's incorporation of blessed femininity' and 'humanisation of the spiritual mind: transformation into the handmaiden of the Lord' are the necessary conditions to love. For although God’s desire as man, and the holy Lordly Self as woman, divide life into two directions {the spiritual path of men and the women’s path of mystical love}, it is 'God’s love over blessed womanhood' and the fraternal spirit as cultural humanity, which exist as the Golden Water of Life between the sexes. And it is in this stream {God’s being that is humanised} from which healing dialogue, which we so desperately need, speaks: "We have valued the reality of the feminine according to is usefulness, but the essence of feminine action is the becoming (fiat)." The 'golden water' of spiritual women never has rest 'till touched from the branch of the fruitful olive tree
1, the spirit element'.

1God is the Light of the heavens and the earth. His light is like a niche in which there is a lamp. The lamp is encased in a crystal, glowing like a brilliant star, fueled by a blessed olive tree, neither of the East nor the West. Its oil would almost glow, even without fire touching it - light upon light. God guides to His Light whom He wills. God presents parables for humankind. God has full knowledge of all things. (Sura 24:35)

Transculturality: Healing of psychoses; Interreligious Dialogue: The liberation of neuroses

What can we expect of the world if men who live on it, how ignorance works in knowledge: to claim not to have known, while man nonetheless knew? – the more male dignity is lost in this way, the more femininity moves away from the sense of love, that is faster and faster, in order to be what She is not. Once women have learned to heal psychoses with divine power
{4th stage of Satipatthana}, they will also be better able to act successfully against men who use the ego for ruling; as in Ancient Rome, moral and ethical decay goes back to the increase of narcistic male power." I must say in advance that psyche-neuroses, as far as my experience goes, are based on sexual urges, and I want to assert explicitly that the energy of the sexual urge is the only constant and the most important source of energy of neurosis" Sigmund Freud, Treatises on Sexual Theory.

Conception and generation – God, Mary and the child  The material woman, however much she surmises about 'immaculate conception' on the basis of logical conclusions, she is blocked by a high degree of doubt. The spiritual man may distinguish angels from witches, she-devils from dragons: he lacks the will to heal. In intuitive perception of the creative soul consciousness of the sexes, streaming down from the causal universe, the manifestation of 'Mary with child' must happen: but the 'birth of the Christ child' cannot take place where there is a lack of spiritual harmony in the community.

Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice and a predominant
rise of irreligion – at that time I descend Myself. In order to deliver the pious and
to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to re-establish the principles of religion,
I advent Myself millennium after millennium.
(Bhagavad Gita IV.7-8).

El milagro del pozo1 (José Leonardo) Museo de Historia de Madrid

1The miracle at the well: the transformation of the man to the Immaculata,
the transformation of Mary Magdalene to the infant Christ – may all people
find themselves and their highest calling in this mystery.

The enlightened feminine soul, 'emptiness' redeemed from mundane personality,
is full of gratitude for the fullness of the descending cultural-creative spirit of the
enlightened masculine soul. Love reigns between these two for all eternity, as the
compassion of the cultural Holy Spirit brings forth the appreciation of the soul-feminine.
Only then does the becoming one of man and woman bring forth 'the Christ child'.

Women are much more vulnerable than they think. For far too long, they have believed:
It all won't be so bad, we'll be creative, which will help us out of the jam, or we'll be able
self-adapt!" A dangerous illusion. The wound of the heart flows from the mercy of God – a
mystery, to the institution of the sacrament of marriage. The woman rises to Planetary
Consciousness when the descending male soul needs it. The will to give in the Highest Light
requires the existence of the will to receive in order to assimilate to the soul. In this message,
She is like the dove which, once it meets its mate, never leaves Him for another.

Frieden und Gesundheit sind über die Liebe eng miteinander verbunden. Das Göttliche der Frau
unterstützt den kulturellen Atem ihres Mannes, indem sie seiner Seele 'Kelch des Friedens' ist;
ihre nachhaltige psychische und physische Gesundheit basiert auf dem 'Wort' seiner
erleuchteten Seele, von dem sie unterstützende Nahrung erhält, die Liebe zu leben.

II.  Worship of the Feminine side of God

Mahabharata, 13th book 'Anushasana Parva', chapter 44. The question of the meaning of marriage.
"A Brahmin may take as many as three wives; a belligerent economist working for the state, two; the businessman should marry only one wife." Comment: The physically active man is married to his body (one "wife"), the politically active manager is married to "two wives" – body and mental; in the case of culturally-creative men, God is one with 'body, heart and soul' ("three wives").

A life without a pre-set goal is unsteady. 'If however, one has to set such a goal for oneself also the doctrines begin to become necessary. For nothing is more shameful than that withdrawal of the foot, the uncertainty and anxiousness. This will come upon us in all things unless that which withdraws and restrains the spirit and forbids us to undertake enterprises with the whole of one’s soul is taken away.' (Seneca’s Letters ch. 95.46). Men who are not spiritually guided by their wives may make a grave mistake: that of self-deception. From the turmoil subconsciously waving in women’s hearts, projected by profound conscience of unconscious bliss, women are tossed into the waving sea of selflessness-'home and garden' – businesswomen activity. But in the attempt to 'enjoy, live it up and forget', one problem comes after the other – conditions get worse and worse: a world is turning violent! Scientific researches show that from the age of 40 onwards, women have more desire for sex than the male peers; because of her 'shadow' (Hugo von Hofmannsthal / Richard Strauss), many women hardly, some perhaps never, will be able to know about the religious ideals of the 'Great Goddess and Great Mother'. And yet it is our spiritual duty, with the help of the universal mythology and depth-psychological analysis, to make 'Crucifixion and Entombment of Christ' comprehensible to a warlike Islam (Sura 4:157). It is the addiction to 'money and power' in which men, like the prince of Tyre, make themselves independent with the motto "Everyone can do as he pleases" and to completely detach themselves from the field of women's dialogue. Women believe that 'love and care' could change things – quite on the contrary, spirit flows out downwards and men are left without a heart or soul.

Women are tripartite in terms of their attributes and inclinations: outer women, mental women and women guided by the cultural spirit, the latter, together with the Cultural Creatives, form the core of the personality of the New Humanity. The outer, sensual woman is driven by bodily desire, 'she clings to nature, in flesh and blood she remains in the senses with the creatures and in the created things' (Johannes Tauler, Sermons). Mental women, on the other hand, have feminine elegance, they are capable of rational action, but their logic can never enter the culture of the 'unity of religious ideals'. The 'women of the third kind' are the energetic foundation of the New Humanity in spiritual person, spiritual mind and culture-creating soul; they are the bearers of the ability to achieve unity with the culture-creating masculine that renews Planet Earth, for this love exceeds by far the nature-given powers of the senses and reason to other women. Indem Männer in höherem Seelenmaße leuchtend, freudig, bewusst und souverän, lebenspendend, liebend, mitfühlend und aufrichtig sind, als Frauen es bisher zustande gebracht haben, können Frauen vor die Männer kommen und die Menschheit führen. The soulful creative spirit of the men is so very present only to the "women of the third kind" that their love leads to cultural action as 'Planetary Consciousness'.

Indem ein Mann Gott-Bewusstsein – die Einsamkeit Seiner Einheit – in seinem Bewusstsein entdeckt, verleiht er der Welt seine Art des Wissens; indem er hinter seiner Maske 'Gott Persönlichkeit' den heilenden Geist humanen Erbarmens im Gemeinwesen offenbart, erwacht in seiner Frau die Ewige Liebe ihn zu organisieren, für den Frieden der Welt.

'Die Sexualität an sich ist unpersönlich. Der Sexuelle Eros ist ein brutaler Dämon (siehe Sunnitische Sharia) oder geflügelter Gott (Schiitisch-hinduistische Genussehen), der uns aus dem Menschlichen fortreißt; es sei denn Cupido wäre mit der erleuchteten Seele einer dharma-gebenden Weiblichkeit vereint und in ihr (der sich erbarmenden erleuchteten Seele des Mannes) beschlossen.' (James Hillman, Insearch, Psychology and Religion, Spring Publications)

Indem Männer ihre eigene Natur verändern und wahrhaftig gegenüber dem Ideal 'unbefleckte Empfängnis' sind, bezwingt dies 'den bösen Dschinn aus der Flasche', Dämon der Unwahrheit in Bezug auf Intimität und Beziehung. Dann verstehen sie, das Leben so zu sehen, wie es ihnen innerlich als auch äußerlich in der Welt erscheint. Es dämmert ihnen die Bedeutung von Religion: das Marien-Ideal als ihre eigene Seele {La Pietà, der Ehefrau, in ihrem zweiten Lebensabschnitt, Geburt zu geben zu planetarischem Bewusstsein}. Und sie begreifen, was die großen Lehrer der Menschheit in den Gleichnissen und Bildern der verschiedenen Religionen gelehrt haben. Nichts erscheint mehr seltsam, nichts überrascht. Vielmehr wird das Leben zum Angesicht des göttlichen Geliebten (Korinther 13:12).

1Jetzt schauen wir in einen Spiegel und sehen nur rätselhafte Umrisse,
dann aber schauen wir von Angesicht zu Angesicht.
Jetzt erkenne ich unvollkommen, dann aber werde ich durch und durch erkennen,
so wie ich auch durch und durch erkannt worden bin.
(Korinther 13:12)

Our feeling of the soul of an experience of meaninglessness can be explained by the fact that none of the spiritual traditions teaches men whom the Cultural Spirit should serve and 'how to send Him ahead'1. And since no inner cosmic conscience any longer tells women how they must act and how they should not act; 'man and woman' no longer really know what and how they actually want. Loving soulfully is the art of healing the earth and being creative. Do we no longer know that spiritual devotion in our service, builds up the magnetism of One Spirit in such a way that man and woman joined together accomplish 'The Great Work'2? If 'tongues of fire'3 bring synthesis, the light of wisdom and understanding to the peoples of the earth, then the work of enlightened bodhisattvas can heal lack of empathy as well as lack of mentalisation in the collective mind, while men, in uncompromising intuition, know how to detach themselves from harmful eros, 'in ihrem Mund findet sich keine Lüge'4.

1Eure Frauen sind für euch ein Saatfeld. Geht zu eurem Saatfeld, wo immer ihr wollt.
Und schickt für euch (etwas Gutes) voraus. Und fürchtet Gott und wisst,
dass ihr Ihm begegnen werdet. Und verkünde den Gläubigen frohe Botschaft.
(Qur'an, Sure 2,223)

2Gott sprach: Es werde Licht. Und es wurde Licht. (Genesis 1,3)

3Und es erschienen ihnen Zungen wie von Feuer, die sich verteilten;
auf jeden von ihnen ließ sich eine nieder.
(Apostelgeschichte 2,3)

4Sie sind es, die sich nicht mit Weibern befleckt haben; denn sie sind jungfräulich.
Sie folgen dem Lamm, wohin es geht. Sie allein unter allen Menschen sind freigekauft
als Erstlingsgabe für Gott und das Lamm. Denn in ihrem Mund fand sich keinerlei Lüge.
Sie sind ohne Makel.
(Offenbarung 14:4-5)

The Holy Qur'an compares women with the 'glass of a petroleum lamp'1, thus, the light within that wants to shine outwards, this star which is women's love and life, wisdom and resistance, must shine through all the polluted layers that have accumulated due to soulless trade and commerce deals of men's alliances. It is obvious that such an organism of the feminine must first be 'cleansed and purified', in its various physical, astral, mental bodies, of cancerous decay and sclerosis – which the ancients called 'the ahrimanic evil' – by the descending sacred fire of the cultural spirit of noble men, 'a flame that shall not burn'1, but warms, and drawn upwards towards the same, in order to become completely 'translucent, soulful and full of character': to become sweet, so that the cultural-creative light of the universal spirit flowing into the inner being is able to dissolve the darkness of de-souled femininity that the 'Divine Mother and her Child' – "the two olive trees and the two candlesticks, which stand before the Lord of the earth"2 – shine forth in all their glory.

1Gott ist das Licht der Himmel und der Erde. Sein Licht ist einer Nische vergleichbar, in der eine Lampe ist. Die Lampe ist in einem Glas. Das Glas ist, als wäre es ein funkelnder Stern. Es wird angezündet von einem gesegneten Baum, einem Ölbaum, weder östlich noch westlich, dessen Öl fast schon leuchtet, auch ohne dass das Feuer es berührt hätte. Licht über Licht. Gott führt zu seinem Licht, wen Er will, und Gott führt den Menschen die Gleichnisse an. Und Gott weiß über alle Dinge Bescheid. (Sure 24,35)

Da standen die Jungfrauen alle auf und machten ihre Lampen zurecht. (Matthäus 25:7)

2Sie sind die zwei Ölbäume und die zwei Leuchter,
die vor dem Herrn der Erde stehen.
(Geheime Offenbarung 11:4)

Und Miriam sang ein Neues Lied : « Une nouvelle étoile est née d’un trou blanc »
Frauen, die nicht zu feinstofflichster Region ihres Wesens aufgestiegen, um vom Glanz des Universums herabkommend, in der Emotion des Lichtes, zu heilen was verwundet ist {in Hauskirche den Dharma der Nächstenliebe Buddhas lehrend}, was nützt solchen die 'Verehrung der Form'? Ein Mann, der nicht vor der Form der Immaculata bereut, und damit wirklich 'in Maria', d.h. seiner erleuchteten Seele, das Heilmittel findet, dem Stern der Maitreya-Persönlichkeit der Frauen tätige Geburtshilfe leistend, was nützt dem Musik? Würde ihm in höchsten Tönen 'das letzte Lied' vorgesungen: „Nun liegst du erschlossen in Gleiß und Zier, von Licht übergossen wie ein Wunder vor mir. Du kennest mich wieder, du lockest mich zart, es zittert durch all meine Glieder deine selige Gegenwart!“ (Sopran-Gesang, Richard Strauss nach Texten von Hermann Hesse): verschlossen bliebe der Hochzeitssaal.

III. Seelenkultur und Planetarisches Bewusstsein

Von der Freiheit des Menschen  Wenn die Liebe erhalten werden soll, muss das bio-psychische Leben des Mannes seiner erleuchteten Seele immer untergeordnet und von ihm beherrscht werden, und nicht umgekehrt, die Seele des Mannes sich den Launen, Stimmungen und Trieben des Weiblichen unterordnen. Diese große Wahrheit, die die Heilige Schrift in dem Wort „Männer, die sich nicht befleckt haben mit Frauen“ offenlegt, ist von jeher von den Weisesten dieser Welt als der Grundpfeiler aller Sittlichkeit, aller Tugend, aller Religion, genug alles dessen, was groß und göttlich ist im Menschen, und sonach auch aller wahren Glückseligkeit, betrachtet und gepredigt. Gleicherweise lehren Gute Frauen: „Wenn wir zuerst das Höhere in uns festigen, so kann es uns durch das Niedrigere nicht geraubt werden“ (Mengzi, Lehrgespräche des Meisters Meng K'o, I.A.15).

Der Kosmos liebt, Seelenkunst zu offenbaren  Der Stern männlichen Seelengeistes strömt als Essenz ein in das Unbekannte {black hole}, damit von der subliminalen Welt schöpferischen Geistes, wie neugeboren, Neue Weiblichkeit, durch die weiße Höhle {weiße Tara}, in der existenziellen Welt erscheint. Dadurch wird 'Wissen durch Kunst' mit weiblicher Macht – die Verwirklichung des verborgenen Schatzes in der Sehnsucht des weiblichen Aspektes von Gott, der bekannt werden möchte – zu planetarischer Intelligenz: damit Gott sich kennenlernt, muss Er & Sie sich verwirklichen als Uns. Es ist diese Erkenntnis, die zu der Erkenntnis führt, die Frauen haben von sich selbst.

About the nervous character  If nationalism prevails, the release of stress hormones remains at an elevated level: the constant activation of the cardiovascular system causes imbalances in the metabolic and hormonal balance, weakening of the immune system, as well as persistent muscular tension. Over time, cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, but also metabolic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus are developed. The immune system is increasingly weakened. Infections then become more frequent. In addition, inflammatory reactions in the body occur, which further clog the vessels and increases arteriosclerosis.

Die Ekstase unserer Seele ist die Frieden schaffende Macht zur Heilung von Planet Erde
Wenn auch der göttliche Wille als ein Katalysator wirkt, so ist es letztendlich die Ekstase unserer Seele – durch Synthese heilen, was verwundet ist – die sich als friedenschaffende Macht zur Heilung der Erde initiiert. Durch Mangel am Handeln ihrer göttlichen Seele wird die verwundbare menschliche Psyche in den religiösen Wahn getrieben; Größenwahn, des Iblis Geist – unsere Weigerung, sich vor dem Ideal 'unbefleckte Empfängnis' zu beugen – evoziert in den Körpern koronare Herzkrankheiten, Krebs etc. So darben wir dahin, keine Vorstellung habend vom Ausmaß jener Macht, die wir gemeinsam verkörpern könnten.

Die Bedeutung der Immaculata Conceptio für den Mann von Welt
Wir sollten uns darüber bewusstwerden, wie die Situation auf der Welt ist, indem wir klarsehen, was die Geschlechter einander antun. Denn es ist so, dass eines Mannes Engagement im Leben, die Eigenschaft mit sich bringt, ihn in den persönlichen Standpunkt seiner Frau hineinzuziehen, während 'die Hauskirche der Frauen' für gewöhnlich an den Eros-Regeln seiner Geschäftsfreunde scheitert: das heißt 'das wahre Leben mit dem falschen und das falsche mit dem wahren verwechseln'. Das falsche Leben ist die Gier des Physisch-Männlichen, die nicht 'entstorben in Gott'; komplementär steht der Frauen stetiger Wunsch nach weltlicher Persönlichkeit, unserer Erfahrung der Christgeburt im Wege. So geschieht es, dass berufene Seelen dialogunfähig werden und auf den untersten Nenner sinken. Wie Dante in der Hölle nach dem Tode Beatrice, wird dem Mann die Schönheit seiner Frau, im Sinne seiner Loyalität und Tugend, entzogen: er fühlt sich zu anderen Frauen hingezogen. Um etwas daran zu ändern, die Schönheit Gottes seelischer Weiblichkeit erfassend, müssen Männer den himmlischen Gegenpart von Ihr in sich entdecken und sich damit identifizieren. Der wirkliche Tempel ‚Notre-Dame‘ sind die erleuchteten Seelen: sie können Heilung geben. 

Of the birth of the Lady* and the apparition of the Lord (Srimad-Bhagavatam III.29. Canto 30)
'Better than the priestess who knows her Beloved Lord is the woman who can dispel other women’s doubts, and even better than these are the women who strictly follow the principles of their spiritual path. Better than these are the women who, freed from all material impurity, creatively develop their personality in the world, even better than these are the pure consecrated wives who carry out the devotional service without expecting anything in return. / Among men, the civilization, divided according to the character of the work, is the best. And in this society it is the intelligent men who have studied and practised the spiritual teachings, and who are called spiritual masters, who are the best. Among these latter the enlightened souls who know the real meaning of the Holy Scriptures, are the best.'

The fulfilment of their duty ('to drive merchants out of the temple'1) purifies men (i.e. clothed with light) even without being 'holy spirit'! /
*Freyja, the rejoicing 'goddess of freedom'
2; she proclaims 'Frigg' {Fru Gode /Frau Hulda}, the protectress of marriage and sacred oaths.

1In der Schrift steht: Mein Haus soll ein Haus des Gebetes sein.
Ihr aber macht daraus eine Räuberhöhle.
(Matthäus 21:13)

2Das himmlische Jerusalem aber ist frei, und dieses Jerusalem ist unsere Mutter.
Denn es steht in der Schrift: Freu dich, du Unfruchtbare, die nie geboren hat,
brich in Jubel aus und jauchze, die du nie in Wehen lagst!
Denn viele Kinder hat die Einsame, mehr als die Vermählte.
(Galater 4:26-27)

It is the way of destruction when egoic breath blows out the fire, fire consuming the water and water flooding the earth. If men’s self-opinionated eros does not extinguish itself into the light of the community,
Iblīs-intellect blows out the inspiration of the genii – the 'masculinized mothers'. If, in addition, the fire of a spiritual creativity burns down the faith, the contemplative images of the virgins, the daughters begin to flood the intuition of Mother Wisdom: 'When the sacred covenants collapse, lawlessness overpowers the whole tribe. But where lawlessness reigns, the women of the community are depraved. But when the women are depraved, the established order gets into confusion. This chaos brings damnation for the destroyers of the community, but also for the community itself. Thus, through the irreligiosity of the destroyers of the community, which results in confusion of the sacred order, the everlasting law of humanity, the basis of the community, is destroyed.'1. Liberation from destructive forces is only possible when men do what they can do: devote themselves to the ideal of the 'Immaculate Conception' and most heartily sympathize with the suffering of women. But do men – who are indeed the cornerstones2 in the cultic space of humanity3 – withdraw from dialogue by not speaking clearly, is this the worst crime: they condemn women to silence and, in a certain way, amputating their arms and legs of Planetary Consciousness. 'Near our vineyard stood a pear tree, laden with fruit, which, however, could not either by their appearance or their taste appeale. To shake them off and to carry them away, we nefarious youths went out at a late hour of the night, until which we had played in gambling-houses according to the shameful custom, and carried away, not to enjoy them for supper, but to throw them to the pigs, after we had tasted a little of them, only to do illicit things according to our spirit.' (Augustine, Confessions, Book Two, Chapter Four).

1Denn mit Ausrottung der Sippe werden auch ihre ewigen Traditionen zerstört. Wenn diese heiligen Bräuche zusammenbrechen, überwältigt Gesetzlosigkeit den gesamten Stamm. Wo aber Gesetzlosigkeit herrscht, O Krishna, werden die Frauen der Sippe verderbt. Werden die Frauen verderbt, O Varshneya, gerät die feste Ordnung der Kasten durcheinander. Dies Chaos bringt für die Zerstörer der Sippe Verdammnis, aber auch für die Sippe. So werden durch die Untaten der Zerstörer der Sippe, die die Verwirrung der heiligen Ordnung zur Folge hat, die ewigen Gesetze des Volkes und die sittliche Grundlage der Sippe vernichtet. (Bhagavad-gita I.39-42)

2Er (Jesus) ist der Stein, der von euch Bauleuten verworfen wurde,
der aber zum Eckstein geworden ist.
(Apostelgeschichte 4:11)

3Wie verträgt sich der Tempel Gottes mit Götzenbildern?
Wir sind doch der Tempel des lebendigen Gottes; denn Gott hat gesprochen:
Ich will unter ihnen wohnen und mit ihnen gehen. Ich werde ihr Gott sein,
und sie werden mein Volk sein.
(2 Korinther 6:16)

Im Reden mag ich ein Stümper sein, aber nicht in der Erkenntnis;
wir haben sie euch in keiner Weise und in keinem Fall vorenthalten.
(2 Korinther 11:6)

Neurose im Dialog  
Neurotismen haben in allen Bereichen das Sagen, besonders aber im Dialog: alles muss nach Verständnis des Narzissten, entsprechend seiner Bindung, seiner persönlichen Vorauswahl sowie seinem vaterländischen Instinkt vonstattengehen. Die Wut, eigentlich die Angst neurotischer Weiblichkeit, dabei, lässt sich weder durch heilige Logik, soziale Bindungen, noch interreligiöse Schriften heilen. Es bedarf spiritueller Anstrengung und psychologisches Gemüt der einfachen Seelen zu fließen (was das Ziel jeder Neurose ist). Man wird sich verhalten müssen gleich einem Dompteur in der Zirkusmanege, der versucht wilde Tiere zu kontrollieren, niemand kann sich ihnen nähern: Neurotikerinnen sind unberechenbar, sie werden die Flucht ergreifen, sich verteidigen oder hemmungslos angreifen. Der Dompteur muss sie mit einstudierten Kunststücken präsentieren, gleichzeitig sich selbst vor jeglicher Attacke schützend – dies vermag einzig nur der kommunikative König Rama, Gottes Nizam im heilenden Dialog; die innerste Tiefe humanen Wesens dieses Mannes, seine Liebe, hört niemals auf1.

1Die Liebe hört niemals auf. (Korinther 13:8)

Fundamental psychological conditions in the light of quantum physics

[I] Love represents from beginning to end the power that lies behind the might of all activities and all intelligences. Men, in their genetic one-, two- or zero-dimensionality, might be called 'bosons with integer spin' [1, 2 or 0, respectively].

[II] Pauli prohibition: Each one-particle-state may only be occupied by maximally one fermion1. In the core of the quantum symphony is bilateral symmetry of pulsating gamma-radiation [baryons: 'whitecaps of the ocean wave', Elohim]. There is no difference between right and left when the horizontal, planetary forces are strong and the universal vertical horizon is illuminated. There is a difference between above and below when the vertical force is weak.

1Du darfst neben einer Frau nicht auch noch deren Schwester heiraten;
du würdest sie zur Nebenbuhlerin machen, wenn du zu Lebzeiten der Frau
die Scham ihrer Schwester entblößt.
(Levitikus 18:18)

Du hast den Wassern eine Grenze gesetzt, die dürfen sie nicht überschreiten;
nie wieder sollen sie die Erde bedecken.
(Psalm 104:9)

Pauli principle: The exchange interaction states that a fermion wave must be antisymmetric against exchange of the particles. Therefore, two parts, identical in all physical data, cannot reside within one phase space. Two electrons within one and the same phase space must differ at the same place by their own turning [spin]. The next higher density forms all particles into a star, a "light wave of the universe". In it, equidirectional quarks assume a 'crown-shyness distance' [antisymmetric spatial wave function]. The Pauli principle is valid for its 'dissipative structures' – but these are only possible, where there is that cosmic unity which can exist in two states simultaneously.

Analogous to quantum physics, the dynamics of gender life can be determined by the four basic forces: (I) Strong interaction of Cultural Creatives with spiritual women; (II) Weak interaction of spiritual women with unholy men [nothing can be worse than women supporting institutions with their love, in which sons have only the lineage of their fathers as gods before their eyes]. (III) It is with electro-magnetic interaction that one can describe the eros realms of psychochemical reactions, they cause structures of rigid states of nations; married couples usually behave according to the motto "one turns to the right, the other turns to the left". (IV) By gravitational interaction is to be understood physiological libido attractions of the sexes, with 'Adam and Eve' it maintains the world as it is, where neither sacred nor spiritual forces are at work. Weak interaction has a short range, about the size of the core radius of a spiritual centre (house church). Strong interaction manifests itself on two levels, in the dialogic organism of the 'Great Mother', as well as on the organisational level of the 'Great Goddess', where all are simultaneously also subject to weak Interaction; this is the realm of the work of the Ten Thousand Angels [the spiritual government of the world] by influencing the archetypes of the universe, they accomplish change in humanity.

Wissenschaft und Tugend  Die Zukunft der Menschheit liegt in der gesunden Familie, die das Fundament friedenschaffender Kultur ist. Geschäftsmänner sind meist so sehr mit der Verteidigung libidinöser Staats-Strukturen beschäftigt – Reisen und 'ein Festmahl' {Mut'ah-/ Misyar-Ehe, siehe Ester 1:1-2:23} – dass fromme Frauen Abneigungen hegen. Im geführten Dialog [Entfaltung von Seelenkultur zur Heilung der weiblichen Psyche, wo jene Rat und Führung geben, die Weisheit, spirituelle Erfahrung und heiliges Wissen besitzen] können Männer und Frauen eigene destruktive Verhaltensweisen und Schwächen sehen und ändern. Dies ist der Friedenspfad, der zur gerechten Gesellschaften und Freiheit führt, was jeden Angriffskrieg des spirituellen Kommunismus auf Europas Kultur in seine Schranken weist. Männer sollten es als ihre dringende religiöse Pflicht empfinden, motiviert durch Gefühl von seelischer Verantwortlichkeit, ein klares Bekenntnis zur Intimität der Geschlechter abzugeben. Mann und Frau, die spirituell und geistig schön sind: diese Art ist human; at the same time there occurs a 'curvature of space-time', so that the Beloved Lord, the imagined light of faith, becomes visible as the radiation of the female Christ-personality.

IV. The significance of mercy

The Cosmic Mandala – through art of personality in music and in devotion  Representation of time – prayer as music – transforms men into visionaries of the earth. The feminine quake, in which sex-courage triumphs over God-fear, needs the love of the bright existence of a 'father-universe' in which 'the loneliness of His Oneness' thrones above the sexus. For without real spiritual experience, 'Self'-knowledge, as well as acquired contemplative knowledge that frees from emotional conditioning, our being lacks the decisive instance, the revealed conscience: the cosmic sense for our sense. The beingness beyond a thinking in music [thought of nothingness] generates mercy. However, only spirituality with self-realisation is not yet sufficient: linking the Semitic lineage [Abraham, Melchisedec, Solomon, Moses, Christ, Mohammed] with the mysticism of the Hindu lineage [Rama, Kishna, Shiva, Buddha, Zoroaster] mediating both together and, moreover, grasping them in a 'New Ethics' [the feminine side of God], this is that encouragement to play our part in the universal-cosmic comprehensive as well as human-souled organism in the »Gaia Symphony« of life. But only this remains for all of us: 'Love the righteous; and have mercy with the unfortunate' (Zarathustra).

Ahriman und Luzifer  Die 'Lieb-Frauen-Kirche' Notre-Dame kann sich nur erneuern, indem das Wirken spiritueller Bruderschaft sich offenbart. Begegnen Frauen, in Gottes Heiligkeit ihrer Dharma-gebenden Seele, dem vom Himmel herabkommenden schöpferischen Geist ihres zu Buddha-Heilern gewandelten Christus, erblüht das Maitreya-Geheimnis der Liebe: die ewige Einheit von Mann und Frau. Dass Frauen aber den Apparat der Bruderschaft in sich in Gang setzen, dazu müssen Männer bereuen. Solange die Schulung zur geistlichen Reue der Männer nicht vollzogen ist, bleibt Spiritualität der teuflische Widersacher der Kirche, und dies löst niemals das Problem des Bösen.

V. Holy Grail
'In the evening there will be light' (Zechariah 14:7)

'Mutter & Tochter' sind meist nicht am kulturell-schöpferischen Geist des Humanen interessiert: materielle Sinnenbefriedigung ist Maßstab ihrer "Zivilisation", zu deren Erhaltung Väter &Söhne komplizierte Gesellschaften und internationale Bündnisse zu gründen haben. Der Legende nach ist der Hl. Gral ein Kelch, aus einem Smaragd geformt, der herabgefallen von der Stirn des Luzifers, jenes 'Zöllners Zachäus (Lukas 19:2)', der in Sorge um „die Dinge der Welt und wie er seiner Frau gefallen möge“ geteilt und fern seines Herzens ist. Er wird von den Verlockungen der 'Königin der Nacht' in die Tiefe gesogen, jener Dame, „die an die Dinge der Welt denkt, und wie sie ihrem Mann gefalle“ (1 Korinther 7:33-34), nicht aber wie sie im Herrn initiiert, andere, die an Leib und Seele verwundet sind, heilen mag. Beide erkennen nie, worin der Sinn des Lebens besteht: nämlich in der Suche nach dem Heiligen Gral. Sie gleichen jenen zwei Besessenen 'deren Geist in die Schweine fährt, und die ganze Herde stürzt sich den Abhang hinab in den See (Matthäus 8:32)', gemeint ist hier „die Seelen kommen in den Fluten des Samsarischen Rades um“ (Pali-Kanon, Samyutta Nikáya 1.27 Die Fluten).

1Dann wird es einen Tag lang - er ist dem Herrn bekannt -
weder Tag noch Nacht werden, sondern am Abend wird Licht sein
. (Sacharja 14:7)

2Dort wohnte ein Mann namens Zachäus;
er war der oberste Zollpächter und war sehr reich.
(Lukas 19:2)

3Der Verheiratete sorgt sich um die Dinge der Welt; er will seiner Frau gefallen. So ist er geteilt.
Die unverheiratete Frau aber und die Jungfrau sorgen sich um die Sache des Herrn, um heilig zu sein an Leib und Geist.
Die Verheiratete sorgt sich um die Dinge der Welt; sie will ihrem Mann gefallen.
(1 Korinther 7:33-34)

4Er sagte zu ihnen: Geht! Da verließen sie die beiden und fuhren in die Schweine.
Und die ganze Herde stürzte sich den Abhang hinab in den See und kam in den Fluten um.
(Matthäus 8:32)

5(Die Devatá:) "Von wo kehren die Fluten um? Wo kreist der Kreislauf nicht mehr? Wo wird Name und Form restlos aufgehoben?"
(Der Erhabene:) "Wo Wasser und Erde, Feuer und Luft keinen Halt haben, von da kehren die Fluten um, da kreist der Kreislauf nicht mehr.
Da wird Name und Form restlos aufgehoben." Gemeint sind die Fluten der endlosen Wiedergeburten, des samsára.
(Pali-Kanon, Samyutta Nikáya 1.27 Die Fluten)

Der Kelch des Grals: der Rausch der göttlichen Liebe
  Die meisten 'guten Frauen' halten ihre gruppen-therapeutisch heilende Bodhisattva-Natur unter einem "katholischen" Gemüt verborgen. Dergestalt aber, zudem ihr göttliches Licht unter den Scheffel weltlichen Intellekts stellend, erlauben sie kulturellen männlichen Seelen niemals, der Menschheit das 'Planetarische Bewusstsein' bewusst zu machen. Würden Frauen hingegen ihre Sinne und ihr Herz und ihre Seele, von göttlichem Licht erleuchtet halten, würden sie sich innigst wünschen 'Brüder' zu finden, die auf die gleiche Weise erleuchtet sind wie sie; und diese würden in der Gesellschaft der Bodhisattva-Geschwister große Freude und Glückseligkeit am »Heilen der Menschheit« finden. Das sehr kleine Licht männlichen Mitgefühls kann nämlich in Gegenwart der Buddha-Natur der Frauen in die Flamme göttlichen Erbarmens verwandelt werden, und diese Flamme in die sehr große Flamme: Women-global-ethics.

Art of Personality The art of the creativeness of Our Wonderful Personality lies in including as well as manifesting and bringing into being of all human potentials. The extinction of the 'divine inheritance' (delta- & theta-waves: Glory of life and Light of life) in the human youth brings us into the 'expulsion from paradise' among bodily and mentally conscious 'people of the world' (alpha- & beta-waves: Source of life and Name of life, Ginza Rabba I.5.4)1. In this 'night of the seeking spirit' (John of the Cross) it is essential for human beings, in order to accomplish their 'inheritances', to serve their fellow human beings at the same time to awaken themselves from their 'dark night of ignorance', to be human-creative. The peoples in their religions are like wolves who keep their distance with songs. The moon gives his light to the wolves, that they may hear the heartbeat of the earth; men who do not bring the spirit of women to the awakening of the soul are masterless animals.

1Sie gingen und kamen zu den vier Männern, den Söhnen des Heils:
In-Hay - Lebensquell, Sum-Hay - Lebensname,
Ziw-Hay - Lebensglanz, Nhur-Hay - Lebenslicht.
(Ginza Rabba I.5.4)

Eve and Islam
 The Qur'an teaches that men are ensouled and praise God in their existence. This can be deduced from the understanding of "mountains and valleys, plains and seas" as the sign of 'God as the women' whose enshrining by men is a worshipful act. This postulates a direct relationship between spiritual women and "created men". However, when women interfere with this relationship by cutting down forests, burning men for fun, they "contaminate" the climate, and while the dialogue space is grossly being polluted by psychic howling, Eve sinfully interferes with the 'work of the Creator' and torments Adam anew.

Weibliche Selbstfindungsaktivität mag oftmals eine ständig erschütternde Wirkung auf empfindsame Seelen ausüben. Doch in der Welt leben zu wollen und sich von Frauenaktivität ärgern lassen zu müssen, ist wie im Meer leben zu wollen und sich ständig seinen Wellen zu widersetzen. Spirituelle Toleranz ist das Heilmittel, in dem Männer nicht mehr den ständigen Störungen durch 'Frau Welt' ausgesetzt sind. Gleichzeitig gäbe es so viel am Leben der 'Frau in der Welt' zu bewundern, wenn nur Männer ihr Herz ‚von links nach rechts‘1 in das seelisch-schöpferische Gemeinwesen drehen würden. Vielleicht ist die Frau, die das Gehirn der Erde ist, gar nicht in der Lage, sich selbst ohne den seelischen Geist des Mannes zu begreifen. Wenn dem aber so ist, müssen wir die Prinzipien kennen und anwenden, die der Wirkung zu Grunde liegen. Es liegt in eines Mannes Ideal, die Ansicht 'Unvollkommenheit der Frauen in der Welt' oder die Vision 'Vollkommenheit der Frauen in Planetarischem Bewusstsein' zu wählen. Der wesentliche Unterschied besteht einzig darin, ob die heilig-erhobene, sich in Nächstenliebe spirituell erleuchtende Weiblichkeit, von dem herabkommenden Schöpfergeist des Mannes geführt, in Planetarischem Bewusstsein nach unten schaut, oder ob Frauen in psycho-sexuellen Aktivitäten, um in machtvoller Stellung über den Mann zu herrschen, nach oben schauen. Falsche geistige Lebenseinstellung gebiert 'die Hölle auf Erden', hingegen könnte eine geringfügige Änderung unserer Lebenseinstellung Planetin Erde wieder in einen blühenden Garten verwandeln. Sich spirituell entwickelnd, gelänge es Männern, sich über natürliche Tendenzen fundamentalistischer Intoleranz zu erheben; wenn sie dann begännen, neben sich selbst und ihrer Frau, Christus zu sehen, so vereint sich 'Heiliger Geist mit Christus in Gott' – wird hier gar die Heilige Ehe zum mystischen Sakrament der Dreifaltigkeit?

1Der Verstand des Gebildeten wählt den rechten Weg [Der Weise hat das Herz zu seiner Rechten],
der Verstand des Ungebildeten den linken.
(Kohelet 10:2)

Die rechte Feier – Grundlagen zur Transkulturellen Therapie (Psychosynthesis)

Wer unwürdig liebt („von dem Brot isst und aus dem Kelch des Herrn trinkt“), macht sich schuldig an Krankheiten und Kriegen auf Erden („am Leib und am Blut des Herrn“1. Jeder soll sich daher selbst prüfen. 'Denn welcher unwürdig isst und trinkt, der isst und trinkt sich selber zum Gericht, damit, dass er nicht unterscheidet den Leib des Herrn. Deswegen sind unter uns viele neurotisch und krank, nicht wenige sind seelenlos gleichsam tot („schon entschlafen“). Gingen wir mit uns selbst ins Gericht, dann würden wir nicht gerichtet. Wenn wir jetzt vom Herrn gerichtet werden, dann ist es eine Zurechtweisung, damit wir nicht zusammen mit der Welt verdammt werden.2' 'Die Königin des Südens wird gegen diese Generation auftreten und sie verurteilen'3.

1Wer also unwürdig von dem Brot isst und aus dem Kelch des Herrn trinkt,
macht sich schuldig am Leib und am Blut des Herrn.
(1 Korinther 11:27)

2Jeder soll sich selbst prüfen; erst dann soll er von dem Brot essen und aus dem Kelch trinken. Denn wer davon isst und trinkt, ohne zu bedenken, dass es der Leib des Herrn ist, der zieht sich das Gericht zu, indem er isst und trinkt. Deswegen sind unter euch viele schwach und krank, und nicht wenige sind schon entschlafen. Gingen wir mit uns selbst ins Gericht, dann würden wir nicht gerichtet. Doch wenn wir jetzt vom Herrn gerichtet werden, dann ist es eine Zurechtweisung, damit wir nicht zusammen mit der Welt verdammt werden. (1 Korinther 11:28-32)

3Die Königin des Südens wird beim Gericht gegen die Männer dieser Generation auftreten und sie verurteilen;
denn sie kam vom Ende der Erde, um die Weisheit Salomos zu hören. Hier aber ist einer, der mehr ist als Salomo.
(Lukas 11:31)

Universel and Archetypes
  From a cosmic point of view, the »Universel« corresponds to the 'temple of all humans'. This »temple of enlightened souls« consists of all men who, if the cultural knowledge of Krishna is awakened in them, undertake to enter the path of dialogue and of those women who have dedicated their lives to the selfless service of Planetary Consciousness. While 'Shiva and his Spouse' build the »Temple of Humanity« with their praying hands, Rama gives »The Message« best in dialogue; as a communicative personality, he can establish 'The School of Peace'. It is the task of the statesmanlike "king", of Rama, of Nizam ud-Din, to articulate in dialogue the non-identical, the holy spirit of patriotic men, to bring to the world in his own human articulation what has not yet been said.

Women feel safe – but they are not. Without the Holy Spirit of men they lose their magnetism when their interest in business naturally fades. With altruistic cultural spirit through 'Analytical Dialogue, Holy Scriptures and cooking-for-women' men should try to recompense what they have soullessly done to female organisms so that women can be assured of their feelings and no longer produce contagious microbes proliferating on neuroses and psychoses. I have become the ocean of ecstasy; when once I leave my body and the ashes are scattered on a field where wheat grows, and bread is baked from this wheat, flames of ecstasy will flicker out of the very oven in which this bread is baked' (Shams Tabriz). There is always a way out: "Behold, Shams says that even those who prepare and bake the bread are wholly in bliss" (Sant Kirpal Singh).

Muhammad at Khadija  He created for you partner beings from your own kind, so that you may abide with them. And He has made love and mercy between you. In this are signs for people who reflect. (Holy Qur'an, Sura 30 Al Rum 21). Humanist education on ethics should enable men to recognise their true purpose and, by imitating religious ideals ('Rama, Krishna, Shiva, Buddha'), to bring an ideal humanity into being and to build a corresponding form of society. Human civilisation means promoting the 'Brahmanic culture'. To maintain it, the protection of the woman is indispensable. The love of the older woman for her husband is a miracle elixir, because it contains all the vitamins that the male organism needs, to be able to serve higher purposes. This culture of humanity can only progress if men are trained the quality of soulful virtue, and for this 'the banquet' {sympósion: the dialogue} is of the utmost necessity.

Pandemics and the immune system  Paternalism and pleasure marriages are powerful strategies, to create an advantage in existential situations. But when the wounds have deeper roots, and the entire structure of a community of humanity is shattered by wars and pandemics, it is necessary to bring women’s immune system, inherent in their psyche, into action. Nature has endowed women with a sacred degree of inner elasticity against harmful traditions, manipulations, cunning, finesse. This strategy of a cosmic intelligent programming of soul-spiritual femininity consists in denying Amor and Psyche access to the sanctuary through the distinction between 'self' and 'non-self'.

Bad women belong to bad men (Qur'an 24:26)1  Men are called "dead men" during their lifetime2 if their life is 'from the place of death and impurity'; through the mind of "bad women" men desire their conversion to the 'Immaculate Conception'. On the other hand, spiritual femininity causes the transformation of men into humanistic beings. Then the female souls speak to their listeners: 'These have given us the peace that was born in our souls through their gifts without reflection (Marguerite Porète, The Mirror of Simple Souls)'. It is through the reality, that women themselves are not, that men attain to creative community life, and women to 'what you call us to do, We will do'3.

1Bad women are for bad men, and bad men are for bad women,
and good women are for good men, and good men are for good women.
Those are acquitted of what they say. There is forgiveness for them, and a generous provision.
(Qur'an 24,26)

2Die „Bösen“ aber, so der Talmud, „werden schon zu ihren Lebzeiten ,Tote‘ genannt“. (Sohar, Berachot 18b)

Jesus erwiderte: Folge mir nach; lass die Toten ihre Toten begraben! (Matthäus 8:22)

3Da sagte Maria: Ich bin die Magd des Herrn; mir geschehe, wie du es gesagt hast.
Danach verließ sie der Engel.
(Lukas 1:38)

VI.  Of the marriage

It is the almost unbearable independence of the female psyche, sustained by instinctive love, which "pleasurably" contributes to the materialisation of the world and programs that happiness and freedom of female self-realisation be through the material spirit of the man. 'The overwhelming majority of men remains at today’s cultural level with the maternal significance of the woman, which is why the anima* never develops beyond the infantile-primitive stage of the whore; hence prostitution is a principal by-product of the civilized marriage' (C.G. Jung, Soul and Earth).
* Dante calls her 'the glorious wife of my soul'
(Vita Nuova).

Elijah and the widow of Sarepta  The lowest levels of religions can be perceived by looking at them and include love-making for the purpose of procreation as well as life-partnership in areas of conditioned life. Here the love is temporary and ends with the settling down of physical and mental activity. On higher levels it is necessary to understand the effective power and the meaning of the 'spiritual love intention' and to connect them with each other. The catalyst is that 'Secret Revelation' in which 'the Unrevealed One' reawakens love to life when She is surrendered to Him. Here love serves to form planetary evolutionary life. After men having rediscovered their spirituality from religion, and women faith from their spirituality, it can be said quite simply: women grow in the genuine spirituality of their men; men are created from One living faith of their women.

Liebesflamme von unten nach oben versus Weltwirtschaftspolitik von links nach rechts.
Verlust des wahren Lebenssinnes  Die Entfremdung der Frau von sich selbst ereignet sich im Konsum der Frau durch den narzisstischen Mann. Ehemänner sorgen sich nicht mehr darum, dass die Frau des Mannes Seelenliebe durch Ihr Tun in die Welt bringt – die Frau wird als Mittel angesehen sich zu vergnügen! Sie ist nicht mehr das Ziel des Mannes, sich in Sie zu wandeln, Sie als echte, konkrete Erfahrung Ihrer Seelenpersönlichkeit zu erlieben, von dem im Gemeinschaftssinn herabkommenden kulturell-kreativen Geist, in Hebammenkunst, Ihr das Herz erweckend, jenem Christus, der den Frieden bringt, nicht das Schwert.

Das Planetarische Bewusstsein  Die Hoffnungslosigkeit gebrochener Herzen im Gemeinwesen unserer Zeit verlangt nach hingebungsvollen Priesterinnen und bodhisattvischen Psychoanalytikern. Der ganze Planet ruft nach dieser Hilfe, weil die Seele des Menschen ausgebeutet wird. Geben Männer »transkulturellen Diskurs« (Pfad der Bodhisattvas) und sind Frauen aufnahmefähig für jenen Geist, der 'in Wechselwirkung zwischen Gliedern der Gemeinde'1 wirkt, kann sich »Kraft allerhöchster Weiblichkeit« Neues Bewusstsein entfalten. Essenz des Wissens über die Liebe ist, dass es zwei Arten von Substanzen gibt: eine, friedenschaffend, auf die Menschheit bezogen; die andere, kriegerisch, welche verliebt für 'Familie, Staat, Kirchen' daherkommt. Es muss 'Feuer vom Himmel' fallen, 'Sankt Michael' (der Männer Christophorus-Seele); sobald dann der Seelenfunke überspringt und 'Feuer zu Wasser' und 'Wasser zu Feuer' wird, entbrennt umfassende, die wirkliche, die 'ewige Liebe' des einen zu allen, die dann ein anderes Bewusstsein, eine andere Erkenntnis, eine andere Tätigkeit hat, als jedes gewöhnliche Nationalbewusstsein.

1So hat Gott in der Kirche die einen als Apostel eingesetzt, die andern als Propheten, die dritten als Lehrer;
ferner verlieh er die Kraft, Wunder zu tun, sodann die Gaben, Krankheiten zu heilen, zu helfen, zu leiten,
endlich die verschiedenen Arten von Zungenrede.
(1 Korinther 12:28)

Transsubstantiation oder Das Heilige Wissen von der Erscheinung des Herrn
Das Bewusstsein der Männer muss zwischen befleckter und unbefleckter Empfängnis zu unterscheiden wissen. Denn es gibt ein »Schwarzes Loch«, das nichts als Finsternis ist: es kann das geistige Licht des Mannes auffangen, verdunkeln und gefangenhalten. Andererseits gibt es die Weihe-Nacht, die Licht-Nacht Pistis Sophia, in deren Schoß die weibliche Seele voranschreitet; diese göttliche Finsternis hat am »Eingang zum Pol« als Gegenstück ihren himmlischen Partner, die erleuchtete männliche Seele. Sind 'Liebender und Geliebter Herr' dergestalt zur Substanz der Liebe selbst geworden, dass Mann und Frau ein dialogisches Ganzes bilden, sind sie im Interreligiösen Dialog »das Sakrament«.


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essence  Alpha et Omega

Table of contents of each chapter

Musical Introduction

»significatio passiva«
A. Book of Chants
Situation: Anamnesis und anā-lysis
C. I. Of the Inner Images
II. Of the masters’ understanding
Dieu sensible au Cœur
Heartsore and Resilience
F. God's Miracles
G. Questions
H. Appeal to the Women

Global Warning
   Psyche-Analysis Spiritualis
J. The Interreligious Dialogue
Ethics and Planetary Consciousness
Wissen und Vision
I. Women's sacred science is the creatrix of the New Age
Worship of the Feminine side of God
III. Seelenkultur und Planetarisches Bewusstsein
The significance of mercy
Holy Grail – In the evening there will be light
Of the marriage
Cultural Heart and Immaculate Conception
Relationship situation on Planet Earth
About healing hormones and poisoning substances
Integral Ethics
R. Women-Universel-Global-Ethics
S. Healing with the wise serpent
T. Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy
U. New Mythology – The Religion after the religions
V. Transcultural Mentoring
W. Synthesis – Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Prayers and Songs
Y. Universel: Narrative des Heiligen und des Humanum
last words
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy (ISSAT)
Canticum Graduum

The Cosmic Mandala
Vom Flügelschlag der Schmetterlinge