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The Broken Pitcher of the Aquarian Age
Die 'weiße Schlange', das herabkommende heilende Licht, die Aura
der Immaculata, des Herzens, wandelt das Bewusstsein des Mannes in allwissende
schöpferische Intelligenz. Verharrt diese Weise Schlange ungenutzt, halten sich
Männer fern vom aktiven Heilungswillen der Frauen im Gemeinwesen, „kommen die
Dämonen unaufgefordert, wenn das Haus leer steht“ (Matthäus 12:43-45); dann sagt
ein Mann sich: „Ich besitze nicht die Fähigkeit zu heilen. Ich kann das alles
nicht ertragen!“ und es überwiegt nicht-menschliche, tierisch-dämonische
Intelligenz – dies führt auf Dauer zu Tod und Zerstörung auf Planet Erde.
If the
real approach and union of the enlightened male soul and spiritual femininity
remains impossible, man and woman move away from the unity into which they were
once created to be creative (Exodus 3,14). 'Non-resurrection from the dead' and
the 'waiting-in vain-for-the-return' has shaped the mind of the children
and children's children materially. What remains for the sensitive female soul
is only the unredeemed longing and mourning for an unfulfilled and thus, 'the
union to the end into perfection', that was unlived. The repression of
unconsciously dominating aversions produces that power which divides the world
into war zones.
Immaculata conceptio
meint, sein Ideal mit der Wirklichkeit Göttliche Mutter in Einklang zu
bringen, indem man sich selbst mit seinen wirklichen Vorhaben im Leben
konfrontiert; dazu ist die Einstimmung auf die Große Göttin notwendig:
das Ende von Genussehe und Paternalismus.
nächste Schritt ist, anhand der Großen Mutter {Weiße Tara} und des
Kulturellen Genius, sich den Zweck der Immaculata bewusst zu machen.
Der dritte Schritt ist, zu sehen – durch transkulturelle Synthese
–, wie sich in der Lehre Maria Magdalenas {Shyama-Tara} und The
Cultural Creatives – das Heilbringende manifestiert (Jesaja 60,3-5). Der
vierte Schritt ist, im Akt der Selbsttranszendenz jene Kreativität in eigener
Motivation zu erfassen, durch welche Gottes heilendes Erbarmen entströmt, unsere
kranke Erde durchdringend, um die Liebe wiederzubeleben, in der
Notre-Dame den Duft ihrer Rose entfaltet.
Jedoch befleckten sie ihren Bund, und die Göttlichkeit ging
von ihnen
Vom seelenlosen Glauben oder Meditieren – ohne der Erde
Dharma, Heilung zu geben
Notre Dame, You know the way of your righteous ones. In our love for Thee we
have joy in the instruction of our Lord and God. By day and by night,
ascending to Him, God glorifies himself – as us as Him – in the praise of
His Names in such a way that in the descending mercy our souls giving
healing with almighty will in Buddha's art, sanctified space is formed in
which we give birth to Your message of 'planetary consciousness'. The other
way: sitting in the circle of praying scoffers, following the advice of
spiritual sacrilegious, for, like 'Adam and Eve', not engaging in the Great
Work – this this leads love to ruin, and Us and humanity deeper and deeper
into the abyss."
Dealing with Neuroses and Psychoses in Dialogue
There are women who commonly present men apparent pleasure by evoking images of
sensual delights and pleasures, in order to keep the patriarchy even deeper in
its vices and sins and to make it increase. The Marian spirit of chivalry
proceeds in a spiritual way with such women: silence, forgiveness in the divine
glance, stirs up the female heart and gives autonomous female personalities
remorse of the inner instinct of their reason. For other women – who are
resolutely making progress in the purification of their collective psyche by
moving from good to better in the Dharma service of 'God the Lord' – there is a
way that is opposed to the rule of feminine neuroticisms; for it is in the evil
spirit of fundamentalist sanctimonious cosiness of many a pastoral practice to
bite women, to make them sad, to put obstacles in the path of initiation and to
trouble them with false reasons so that women will not evolve. Here it is the
spiritual spirit of women which is able to give courage, strength, consolation,
inspiration and tranquillity, by means of the most radiant bliss She makes all
obstacles lightly, lifts them away, so that men in the doing of the beautiful
come down from heaven. 'I am speaking of that consolation which causes inner
movement in women in such a way that souls begin to burn with love for their
Creator and Lord and therefore are no longer able to love within themselves any
created thing on the face of the earth, except in the Creator of them all.'
(after Ignatius of Loyola, The Spiritual Exercises. Einsiedeln, Freiburg 2005)
Parmenides, Simpl, In Phys. 86.27/117.4 'The goddess proclaims the truth to the
Visio Dei beatifica
'The painter stands a little away from the picture. He casts a
glance at the model. Perhaps there is only a final dab to be made, or perhaps
the first stroke is not even done.' (Michel Foucault, Les mots et les choses).
'Morality refers either to the totality of convictions about what is normatively
right and of the evaluative good as well as the actions corresponding to these
convictions or solely the area of the moral normative. By ethics, on the other
hand, we mean discipline that subjects the factual convictions and actions (of
morals) to reflection. Right action is based on the insight into the true
structure of reality' (Handbook of Ethics, Düwell, Hübenthal, Werner 2002). The
very destiny of women lies in their, the 2nd half of life, beatifying
'vision of God, face to face' (Corinthians 13:12), of which, however, she can
only get to know through the revelation of her husband's creative spirit of in
the community. An Notre-Dame – mein kostbarstes geistiges Wesen Du meine Herrin, Du meine Fürstin, Du mein heiligster Engel. Du bist der Geist, der mich geboren. Du, die du mich mit dem heiligsten Geist, dem strahlenden Licht göttlichen Erbarmens bekleidet hast, manifestiere dich in der schönsten Epiphanie: Zeige der Welt das Licht deines Antlitzes! Sei Mittlerin für die Botschaft deines Friedens – und enthebe den Iran aus der Finsternis der Schleier!
>> Index >> Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy
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essence Alpha
et Omega
Table of contents of each chapter
Musical Introduction
»significatio passiva«
Book of
Situation: Anamnesis und anā-lysis
Of the Inner Images
Of the masters’ understanding
Dieu sensible
au Cœur
Heartsore and Resilience
F. God's Miracles
Appeal to the Women
Global Warning
Psyche-Analysis Spiritualis
The Interreligious Dialogue
Ethics and Planetary Consciousness
Knowledge and und Vision
Women's sacred science is the creatrix of the New Age
of the Feminine side of God
III. Seelenkultur und Planetarisches Bewusstsein
The significance of mercy
Holy Grail – In the evening there will be light
the marriage
Cultural Heart and Immaculate Conception
Relationship situation on Planet Earth
About healing hormones and poisoning substances
Integral Ethics
with the wise serpent
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred
New Mythology – The Religion after the religions
V. Transcultural
Synthesis – Cultural Heritage of Humanity
and Songs
Universel: Narrative des Heiligen und des Humanum
last words
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy (ISSAT)
Canticum Graduum
The Cosmic Mandala
Vom Flügelschlag der Schmetterlinge