Millennium Music Poetry  THE BOOK OF CHANTS


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Index   essence  Alpha et Omega  







H.  Appeal to the Women

Es ist sinnlos, den Frieden der Welt zu diskutieren  Am notwendigsten ist, dass Frauen in der Lehre Buddhas, auf dem Pfad der Gruppen-Psyche-Analyse, erst Frieden in sich selbst schaffen, damit sie selbst zu Vorbildern der Liebe, Harmonie und des Friedens werden. So können sie die Welt und sich selbst retten! Männer müssen im Dialog die Wissenschaft der 'unbefleckten Empfängnis' lehren; wie können Frauen sonst erwarten, in Psychosynthese Harmonie, den Frieden, jene Liebe zu bekommen, die den Himmel auf Erden ausmacht?

Zweck des Mannseins besteht darin, als erleuchtete Seele jener kulturelle Wille zu sein, in dem Transkultureller Schöpfergeist der vollendeten spirituellen Weiblichkeit zur Entfaltung des planetarischen Bewusstseins vollkommenes Werkzeug ist: der Sinn der Liebe. Anders verbrennen wir in Feuern des Krieges inmitten Wutfeuern zersplitternder Ehen.

The heart of every man {unterschiedlich zur narzisstischen Psyche} is the abode of God and we should take care never to injure it by word or deed. Thus the fear of the Lord, as faith truly testifies, dwells with the elect women, who are chosen in holiness and righteousness, and it is precisely this that makes the powers of virtue effective in them. Hildegard of Bingen, Vitae Meritorum I. Der Mann schaut nach Osten und Süden: The Seventh Figure.

To the extent that men give room exclusively to material thinking and desires women will live in difficulties and chaos on earth, and will have to moan »I no longer know where I stand!« Any woman who, at an advanced age, complains that she no longer knows where she stands, reveals that her husband has wished for and accumulated too many things that are at odds with his soul. Women are precious because they are souls without mingling. If you feed them with egocentric male energies over a long period of time, they are no longer women. As long as men do not turn to the goal of their soul and have a single sacred ideal of womanhood, we will have to live in the 'eclipse of light' on planet earth.

That 'women keep silent in the assembly'1 clearly means that there should be no discussion in the dialogue {the word 'discussion' means "to break up, to divide, dissect"}. Rather, God's presence of women is able to guide spiritual, through silence. And it is this full, holy seriousness that enables men to repent.

1Women should remain silent in the assembly. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission,
as the law says. If they want to enquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home;
for it is not proper for a woman to speak in front of the congregation.
(Corinthians 14:34-35)

Nature has placed in the universal SENSE of every woman the feeling of dissatisfaction and of lack which will only be satisfied on the day when she succeeds in uniting with the creative healing spirit of men, related to the welfare of the community. As long as this union has not taken place, women are 'in the quest':

The 'alchemy of happiness' for women lies in men's altruistic, cultural-creative hearts. But women seek for it rarely. To find happiness, they mostly strive for position, power, luxury and pleasure. As a result, men are instinctively driven to the desire to climb the socio-political ladder, for which they must constantly deliver performance and pass tests and competitions. They do this because they know exactly that they will then be better paid for acting in an organising, dominating position for the state which evokes nuclear wars and genocides. Unfortunately, women do not (yet) realise that it is the same in the room »Notre Dame« – the church for all and for all churches – except that there are other committees, other observers who initiate here, examine, classify and give testimonies to women. The more women approach the peak of their perfection in the realm of altruistic loving souls, the higher they rank The Cultural Creatives, the more 'Eternal Love' {counter-transmission} bestows 'Eternal Life'. In this way, like Christ on the sea, women are able to stop the storm, the reactive nature forces of the elements, and to heal disease. Then women will realise: 'There is no source of happiness other than that in the heart of man'; they will be called »women, the bringers of peace to mankind«.

What is it about in our time? What are men not running against? – that love, as it is lived is not worthy of affirmation, "a sin against the holy spirit". But how can anything change on planet earth when women disguise themselves as "simple-minded and uneducated", accepting exploitation and abuse as "God-given" in order to make a material profit from it? Shouldn't we now, as conscientious people with spiritual knowledge, give 'education and training' to humanity?

The psychological rule is that an inner situation that is not made conscious happens outside, as fate; if man do not become conscious of the inner contradictions1, the world has to work out this inner conflict violently and is torn into opposite halves. (C.G. Jung, Archetypes and Collective Unconscious, 1959)

1For Herod himself had given orders to have John arrested, and he had him bound and put in prison. He did this because of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife, whom he had married. For John had been saying to Herod, ‘It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife.’ So Herodias nursed a grudge against John and wanted to kill him. But she was not able to, because Herod feared John and protected him, knowing him to be a righteous and holy man. When Herod heard John, he was greatly puzzled; yet he liked to listen to him. Finally the opportune time came. On his birthday Herod gave a banquet for his high officials and military commanders and the leading men of Galilee. When the daughter of Herodias came in and danced, she pleased Herod and his dinner guests. The king said to the girl, ‘Ask me for anything you want, and I’ll give it to you.’ And he promised her with an oath, ‘Whatever you ask I will give you, up to half my kingdom.’ She went out and said to her mother, ‘What shall I ask for?’ ‘The head of John the Baptist,’ she answered. At once the girl hurried in to the king with the request: ‘I want you to give me right now the head of John the Baptist on a dish.’ (Mark 6:17-25)

'Die himmlische Liebe und Das himmlische Wissen' um den Frieden in der Welt
Women need to know what is going on in the cultural-creative world of the cosmos – but most of them remain faithful to a superficial, subcelestial world of creativity. It's as if they think: "Men have a cultural-creative soul, but I'm not interested in how it is engaged. Strictly speaking, I don't care at all whether a soul spirit is active somewhere." – yet the cultural-creative spark of the genius should be important for women! The revelation of the universe, how does it work? „Die von unerleuchteter Weiblichkeit immer größer geforderte Befriedigungslust ist das treibende Moment, das den Männern erlaubt, im Namen ihrer Nation, bei keiner der hergestellten Situationen zu verharren; sie haben vielmehr ungebändigt immer weiter vorwärts zu dringen (Goethe, Faust I, Mephisto im Studierzimmer); dies führt zu kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen in der Welt. Hingegen ist das Bestreben des heiligen Eros 'das Organische zu immer größeren Einheiten' zusammenzufassen.“ (Sigmund Freud: 'Revision der Trieblehre').

Pandemic and 'no time!'  Men have overstretched their power: squandered sperm on pointless wars! Above all, however, an elite has lost its sense of the right measure by pampering the super-rich with ever newer starlets in ever more elegant wedding resorts, in order to gild themselves with Protestantisms of an Islam's marriage of pleasure; this bustle cannot be a cure for the disaster that threatens our world: pandemics versus nuclear wars for economic space and limerence resources. The main cause of men spending their dearest time on the economic success of their nation but severely neglecting soul dialogue in the community [as a result of toxic femininity's tendency to behave grudgingly, intriguingly among women] is unbodhisattvic femininity, which 'feeds its shaggy ego with sperm donations' (Federico Andahazi, Las piadosas / Lord Byron's Shadow). De-sanctified femininity almost always loves to take root in a man's mind, forging his heart into a dead organ of knowledge; while soulless masculinity, with an eros that resembles the so rutting genie of god-Zeus, always tries to overpower the feminine-soul-divine, making the woman fit him, so that She – struggling for reason in the most important realm, the Planetary Consciousness – knows herself to be used: thus all enthusiasm has died out of her. Not seeking synthesis with the soul-archetypal function but holding soulless phalli for strength, fertility and spirituality, this usually brings women of midlife 'early rigidity, calcification, stereotypy, stubbornness, fanatical one-sidedness, principle-riding; or the opposite: resignation, tiredness, sloppiness, irresponsibility' (C.G. Jung, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious).

'Rama' refers to outstanding managers, intellectuals, scientists, "mystical logicians" => yet they can be cold to religion, unsympathetic and without feeling. 'Shiva' denotes pious, caring, emotional men who are not particularly perceptive in their judgements => they can also be dissipated, credulous, suspicious and impatient. In their forms of weakness, both types of men cause serious misery in the world if they are not restrained by holy-divine femininity; otherwise women follow their husbands' domineering subconscious like a shadow.

There is a God in heaven who reveals secrets (Daniel 2:28)

Prayer of God's Gracious Femininity to the Cultural Creatives 
"Cultural servants, we leave to You our souls, our bodies, our lives and our deaths and what comes after. All we place in Your hands, You our mothers. Cover our souls with Your virgin mantle, give us the grace of purity of heart, soul and body. Defend us with Your power before all enemies, especially before those who cover their wickedness with the mask of virtue. O beautiful lilies of the field, palace of mirrors of healing spirit, You our mothers, let us find our destiny in life: true happiness."

About Healing 
The seriousness of the dialogue lies in the service of men relating to women's need to give 'God's love'. At the same time, the whole is more than the sum of its parts. For heaven, this is »the light of women« {Noor-un-nisa}, the garden of merciful souls, where hitherto new, unknown, latent existent aspects of the being »man and woman« begin to emerge, where men understand the thoughts of her heart1 and where feminine divinity tries, to give to the characters of manly courage the glance of One spiritual cognition, surrounding the emerging conversation of men with respect, listening attentively to the Healing Spirit, honouring Him, so that men no longer have to "prescribe their souls to the devil". Then »Planetary Consciousness« in the personality of women will begin to flow as the »Golden waters of life«. This is the secret of the MEANING of love.

1But as for me, this secret is not revealed to me for any wisdom that I have more than any living,
but for their sakes that shall make known the interpretation to the king, and that thou mightest know
the thoughts of thy heart.
(Daniel 2,30)

Revealing lights are for those men for whom confrontation with the ego, contemplation and awareness of the Creatress and surrender have become a natural capacity, and who have completely forsaken their striving for power over women on the healing paths for humanity 'in preparation for a task of two, in consciousness of equality and in the ability for surrender'
(A. Adler, The Meaning of Life). With these efforts, for their integration into the community, men can be raised to the level of annihilation, where they leave 'the material taste of the world, the flesh, worldly knowledge, and abandon all relations with destructive elements' (Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi). Then the male soul becomes a mirror in which the divine feminine light is reflected: Then the female soul sees the image of its beloved (Suhrawardi, Hayakal al-Noor). And since the revealed intuitive Holy Spirit of men is the source of the love of the Divine Mother, women receive by striving to rise up to Him, the greatest gift there is: the voice of the Beloved Lord which constantly comes from within.

If the enlightened soul spirit of masculinity is missing, a woman becomes a kind of narcissistic doll for love, which only knows 'seduction by the serpent'1. 'The seduction, that the woman, women exert on humanity is rarely a for-her. She tears the feminine from its being-itself and transforms it into a for-the-other; she tears it out of its vegetative life {comment: to move, to adapt, to grow and to share herself}, which is not nothing, in order to commit it to a public function (even if it is exercised privately) that is in fact nothing' (Luce Irigaray: 'love to the other'), nothing but a holding in motion of that machinery in which women recognise neither that a man's soul-lessness will ruin them, nor that the brotherhood of the soul can save the world.

1The Lord God said to the woman, What have you done?
The woman answered, The serpent deceived me, and so I ate.
(Genesis 3:13)

Universal community is based on the Unified Being of Maitreya intellect, Bodhisattva-Heart and Merciful Will: the spiritual intellect of the Great Goddess needs the knowledge of the cultural genius, the heart of the Green Tara needs the warmth of His Love and the humane divine power of the Great Mother brings about the Planetary Consciousness of the Global Ethics of Women from the compassionate hearts of enlightened husbands.

Pandemics, wars, crimes challenge humanity in an unprecedented way. In Homer's Iliad, epidemic is faith reaction to male circles where women's submission and men's silence represent spiritual ideals. No wonder that women say, "By no means take spiritual responsibility for men!" – although there is usually a natural impulse behind it: longing for freedom, freedom from one's own sorrow, liberation from a stern professional world, of one's own ego. If women follow this path, they even come to a wedding-like complementary state with their husbands, or to "the liberation" as a tacit hermit [after all, Buddha did not call the dishonest "You vipers! You brood of sankes!"1]. The more self-centred one is in prayer and meditation about one's "storms in the water glass", the more one uncosmically disregards the problems of humanity and the planet as one's own business, and consequently refuses to take responsibility in dialogue to express the tyrannical conditions on a global scale. In our times, most women confuse 'happiness' with pleasure. But direct urge for pleasure is 'Míng yí - darkening of the light' (I Ching 36,2), the wounding of the bright, an illusion. Of course, grandmother-mother-daughter-granddaughter can spend their whole lives in this delusion, finding yoga, fun, recognition and personal well-being, but never true satisfaction of real womanhood. Would mother-daughter be truly brilliant if they had all their desires fulfilled? If women had everything, would that be enough for their happiness? No, they would have to go on inventing excuses for never-ending hidden tears from the misfortune of a deep-rooted pain. Failure – not spreading the merciful spirit of man – is a bitter chalice! Excuses act like eye patches over the warning expression of the soul: weakness of heart, cancer-guiltiness, anorexia nervosa, rage, grief, workaholic, indifference are voices of felt cosmic longing of the feminine self for that happiness which none of the, instead, chosen external or internal things could ever provide. In order to be loved, esteemed, accepted, women adapt to men's selfishness, "in old age one could stay in mystical nunhood" and then be happy? Without soul-cultural manhood, woman dies and withers, she dies without dying, that is: she cannot die. Her efforts are nothing, she is in the hands of global commercial materialists. Without the supreme spirit (purusha), which embodies itself as universal intelligence in the community, no planetary healing is possible. Instead, in the second half of their lives, women develop ahrimanic evil, the long path of suffering of pious women, sucking strength out of themselves in order to attain wisdom and development of will – as warning women not to do the same? Rarely, on the other hand, do you see women engaged in group psyche-lysis from God's perspective to free the souls! Mostly grannies love to remain employed by the ego of other people or their own children and children's children. But what do great-grandmothers know at the end of their whole lives? Almost nothing. Self-knowledge of a woman should include the dangers of ego-centred desires, knowledge of unconscious destructive compulsions, knowledge of hidden subconscious virtues and faults; and what we should desire in community and how to achieve it; what we should strive for and what we should better do without; that is, knowledge of one's own body and one's own spirit: personalities: personalities in Planetary Consciousness of loving the relationship of the spiritual will of femininity to the heart of the enlightened male spirit. 'It must be said, however, that to reveal the deeper impulses of that which actually comes into consideration for the present development of humanity is an extremely uncomfortable thing' (Rudolf Steiner, 1st November 1919). For men, in the presence of their daughters, are not too inclined to consider the things that truly matter with the very deepest seriousness. Our time, however, demands a real, profound seriousness towards the affairs of humanity. That is why we now need mothers who will guide in the divine spirit of the Buddha, for only they can commit men to their spiritual reversion.

1When John saw that many Pharisees and Sadducees were coming to be baptised, he said to them:
You brood of vipers, who taught you that you can escape the coming judgement?
(Matthew 3:7)

You brood of vipers, how can you speak good things when you are evil?
For what your heart is full of, that is what your mouth speaks.
(Matthew 12:34)

The Feminine Principle in the Transformation towards the Humane Nature of our Souls
 Peace begins with the transcendent and immanent transformation in the consciousness of »woman«. The heart of the Virgin, consecrated to the love of the Most High, says: 'Let it be done to me as you have said, I will serve the Lord, I am his handmaid'. (Edgar Tinel: 'Sainte Catherine', opus 44).1

1Then Mary said, "I am the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to your word.
Then the angel left her.
(Luke 1:38)

The type of the modern woman has given proof of its overwhelming power: self-controlled, individuality tamed by mastery, in strong, calm, cold, 'in its accumulated vehemence frightening, yet subtle, domineering power, which is at the same time a sublimation of the mental and vital ego'
(Sri Aurobindo). Moreover, the earth has had enough of operettas à La Belle Hélène (Jacques Offenbach); if women also possessed great spiritual power, it would only carry the world on wider circles of warlike rotation. What must appear in our age, now, is something much more difficult, and at the same time much simpler: humility – »the presentation of the Lord in the sanctuary«1. 'The child who rules over the old man' is the extinction and at the same time the rebirth of religion. With cessation of exemplary representations of chthonic folk deities* »The three Moons« reveal themselves see 'La Dame à la Licorne': À mon seul désir [essence p.33].
Since this is the great secret: der Drei-Könige Licht ist Ihr Sonnengesang. *Qur'an, Sura 4,1572; compare 'Presentation of the Lord' in Genesis 25,93: 'Isaac and Ishmael buried him'; see 'The Sachsler meditation cloth' [essence p.104] in the medallion below right: 'The coat of arms falling from the standard'; compare Bhagavad-gita 18.664.

1Then the day of purification prescribed by the Law of Moses came for them.
They brought the child up to Jerusalem to consecrate him to the Lord.
(Luke 2:22)

2They said, »We have killed Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of God.« -
But they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but a figure similar to him appeared to them.
Those who disagree about him are in doubt about him. They have no knowledge about him except that they follow conjecture.
And they did not kill him with certainty, but God raised him up to Himself.
(Qur'an, Sura 4:157)

3His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah near Mamre,
in the field of Ephron son of Zohar the Hittite.
(Genesis 25,9)

4Give up all dharmas and take refuge in Me alone!
I will deliver you from all sin and evil, be unconcerned! (Bhagavad-gita 18.66)

Sleeping Beauty awakened by her saintliness – A song  The "civilized" life of men consists of a constant struggle for profit – of whatever kind. Profit seems to be the meaning of our lives. But every profit of men has also always the women in view, to direct love into a certain channel, which is formed as a plague- and warlike silhouette of a destiny of all mankind. Presentation of the Lord in the temple of the Great Goddess – could this be the special event to bring Grand Princes out of the ego zone, that travel mentality (without pleasure-sex no tourism) behind which, with gallantry to adultery, nuclear war is hidden? Seeinghearingperceivingcausality must now awaken in authoritative men a sense of the need for peace-culture, enable patronage to give our time for dialogue in the room of Her sanctuary. Do we seriously want to teach our children: 'It will be a long time before war comes; build houses, live in them, plant gardens and enjoy their fruits!'1? Our descendants will accuse us: "They would have had the chance to make peace!"

1That is why he sent a message to us in Babylon: It will be a long time yet;
Build houses and live in them, plant gardens and enjoy their fruit!
(Jeremiah 29:28)

Opus alterum per alterum  Man and woman are bound together so that one shall become the work of the other. Thus 'man without a divine wife' does not become a humane man, but devil, and 'woman without spiritual man' may call herself "harlot"1. Women as the Returning Christ are the divine work of ‘spiritual flames of love in the circle of the brethren'2; such sight of men is a comfort to 'serene virgins' (I GING 58: the Sea) comfort, so that none of them would want to be without such a spirit in the future. 'Abraham's ten righteous ones'3 point to the godhead that is deeply hidden in the woman; women point to humanity, in whom Planetary Consciousness is revealed. Peace happens through the synthesis of the spiritual-cultural characters of spiritual men and its expansion through that 'Maitreya personality' of women, which is the merging of the enlightened psychoanalytic female personality and the Marian male soul character. The temple, the sanctuary of the Great Goddess, must be charged with this atmosphere. So don't think that only by "abolishing" something, the health of life can be achieved. Rather, women must first begin 'from within themselves' to eliminate the causes of inner war, learning 'by love' (learning-by-doing) how to create harmony among their own feelings, own thoughts and own actions. This happens through 'love to the beloved Lord'; followed by 'love your neighbour as yourself'4.

1No man has touched me, and I am not a harlot. (Qur'an 19:20)

2Tongues as of fire appeared to them and were scattered;
one settled on each of them.
(Acts 2:3)

3And again Abraham said, My lord will not be angry if I speak just once more.
Perhaps only ten will be found there.
(Genesis 18:32)

4Therefore you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.
The second commandment is: You shall love your neighbour as yourself. No other commandment is greater than these two.
(Mark 12:30-31)


>> Index       >> Global Warning







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essence  Alpha et Omega

Table of contents of each chapter

Musical Introduction

»significatio passiva«
A. Book of Chants
Situation: Anamnesis und anā-lysis
C. I. Of the Inner Images
II. Of the masters’ understanding
Dieu sensible au Cœur
Heartsore and Resilience
F. God's Miracles
G. Questions

H. Appeal to the Women

I. Global Warning
   Cultural analytical Dialogue
J. The Interreligious Dialogue
Ethics and Planetary Consciousness
L. Knowledge and und Vision
I. Women's sacred science is the creatrix of the New Age
Worship of the Feminine side of God
III. Seelenkultur und Planetarisches Bewusstsein
The significance of mercy
Holy Grail – In the evening there will be light
Of the marriage
Cultural Heart and Immaculate Conception
Relationship situation on Planet Earth
P. About healing hormones and poisoning substances
Integral Ethics
R. Women-Universel-Global-Ethics
S. Healing with the Wise Serpent
T. Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy
U. New Mythology – the Religion after the religions
V. Transcultural Mentoring
Transculturality and Humanity
Prayers and Songs
Universel – Intertextual Human Experience
last words
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy (ISSAT)
Canticum Graduum
The Cosmic Mandala
Vom Flügelschlag der Schmetterlinge