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Index essence Alpha et Omega | |||||||||||
Unser Ruf
nach Frieden – In den Krieg führen, heißt das Volk verderben
(Mengzi) Warning of coming dangers The most effective and toughest form of a war against the spirit and peace of Notre-Dame consists in injecting needs into people, that perpetuate materialistic forms of relationship, such as pleasure marriage or remarriage, which is making Europe the prey of Iran and the Russian Church. There will always be people who, with strength and joy will fight against the bad in the world by the good, whereas good angels prefer to transfigure the bad by the beautiful and creating the future of the Common Space, building a New World; these are the ones who 'have the Great Mother in Heaven'1 in freedom, as well as recognizing 'the Christ' in Buddha, in Fatima as well as in Krishna; these believers, however, are entirely different from those who support in intentions and actions that which their 'demigods or honored ancestors' have in mind. Between these two groups there can never be uniformity of intention and action: some are concerned with morality, with justice, right and wrong doing; moreover, New Ethics enters into a deep emotional connection with the cultural human path, which is organically intertwined with the Great Mother – the emotions run high, old wounds open up, and "only by developing good virtues, contemplation and wisdom, the intricate intertwinements of suffering can be untangled and overcome" (Phra Ajahn Tong). There is no alternative. 1Das himmlische Jerusalem aber ist frei, und dieses Jerusalem ist unsere Mutter. (Galater 4:26)
hielten an der Lehre der Apostel fest und an der Gemeinschaft,
To repair relationship, women love to go back and put things right. But a storm is blowing out of paradise and this storm always blows women back into the future. Es ist der Lebensäther seelischer Kultur der Menschheit. "When we sit down and whishing to write something on the 'meaning of love', we become particularly painfully aware that we are absent, for without the Soul Spirit of the men in the community, it is as if we are not there at all." (Film script 'Malina' 1991). When women then dance: "If men leave us heartbroken because now we can never see them in our piously life: it doesn't matter! Jesus, Muhammad, Moses is our adorable Lord, and O Krishna, dear Lord, please appear before us, dancing with your flute!" – This is not devotion, this is delusion that starts world war. The cause must resolutely be made known in the King’s court. It must be proclaimed in accordance with the truth. Danger! One must inform one's own city. It is not beneficial to take up arms. It is beneficial to take action. (I CHING 43). If we see progress in some fields (tourism fairs), in others (the peace fair) we must be honest and accept such regression that is capable of triggering thermonuclear war in Europe. However, real transformation of a society cannot take place through civil war. Even if the continent were to be led by the 'Russian Pope', the peoples would once again encounter the same disorder, the same dishonesties, the same injustices: victim and butcher have only changed camps – nothing else. The real progress, the evolutionary improvement arises out of the believing heart of women emerging in the new mythological thinking, which longs for a human Creative spirit of men, coming down from heaven, owing to the enlightened light of the spirituality of our souls. How can we expect global changes to be effective as long as nationalistic ways of devotion remain the same: selfish, dishonest, deceitful; such as: "They crucified him!" or "Allah allowed us to do this!"? If women are not enlightened souls, and consequently have no idea what the soulless one is causing, with whom they are trying to spend the rest of their lives, 'the Sense of Love' will forever remain hidden from them, the Lord's Prayer 'a petition for bread'. Just as there are 'stages of an ascent to God' in the spiritual practice of men, so there are complementary stages of those spiritual powers through which women ascend contemplatively from the lowest to the highest things. The stages are, from the outer to the inner, and from temporal to eternal things: sense-perception, imagination, heart-mind and soul-reason, insight and emotion of that spirit which is called the 'spark of conscience'. These stages – implanted by nature, disfigured by guilt, re-shaped by grace – must be purified by justice, trained by knowledge, and then perfected by wisdom. (according to Bonaventura da Bagnoregio, Itinerarium mentis in Deum).
conflict of Europe with the armies of Russia, China, India and Iran
Frauen gehören zu schlechten Männern,
sahen, wie
schön die Menschentöchter waren,
Embers don't do it. Deliver me! I can die no longer. (Ingeborg Bachmann) About men and women There are men who rob life out of Eve, and who drink too much of 'the waters of forgetfulness'; these therefore have difficulty to understand what life means: they are those who warlike and sexually exploit women, and who, for the sake of profit, "efficiently and successfully, disciplined, responsibly and industriously" do not heal the earth of the lack of "making the church appear glorious before them, without spots, without wrinkles, that it may be holy and without blemish"1; because of the density of matter that envelops them, they are not aware of the presence of the creative spirit and the great healing mercy, which really exist in them in the palace of the mirror of the soul: they hear nothing, see nothing and speak nothing, as if there was nothing. Women, who are denied to give to the man 'the divine water of remembrance' to their souls, are, on the other hand, plagued by old memories – if love cannot correct the mistakes, they develop cancer, cerebral infarction . . . 'The soulless man is like an animal because he does not know the meaning of love' (Srimad-Bhagavatam), mit anderen Worten: Männer ändern sich nicht, indem sie nur 'Allahs Namen' aufsagen.1Ihr Männer, liebt eure Frauen, wie Christus die Kirche geliebt und sich für sie hingegeben hat, um sie im Wasser und durch das Wort rein und heilig zu machen. So will er die Kirche herrlich vor sich erscheinen lassen, ohne Flecken, Falten oder andere Fehler; heilig soll sie sein und makellos. Darum sind die Männer verpflichtet, ihre Frauen so zu lieben wie ihren eigenen Leib. Wer seine Frau liebt, liebt sich selbst. Keiner hat je seinen eigenen Leib gehasst, sondern er nährt und pflegt ihn, wie auch Christus die Kirche. Denn wir sind Glieder seines Leibes. Darum wird der Mann Vater und Mutter verlassen und sich an seine Frau binden, und die zwei werden ein Fleisch sein. Dies ist ein tiefes Geheimnis; ich beziehe es auf Christus und die Kirche. (Epheser 5:25-32)
Ruf und Schande erntet die schmähsüchtige Frau,
muss mich mitten unter Löwen lagern, die gierig auf Menschen sind.
kam eine samaritische Frau, um Wasser zu schöpfen.
>> Index >> Ethics and Planetary Consciousness
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essence Alpha et Omega
Table of contents of each chapter
Musical Introduction
»significatio passiva«
Book of
Situation: Anamnesis und
Of the Inner Images
Of the masters’ understanding
Dieu sensible
au Cœur
Heartsore and Resilience
F. God's Miracles
Appeal to the Women
Global Warning
Cultural analytical Dialogue
The Interreligious Dialogue
Ethics and Planetary Consciousness
Knowledge and und Vision
Women's sacred science is the creatrix of the New Age
of the Feminine side of God
III. Seelenkultur und Planetarisches Bewusstsein
The significance of mercy
Holy Grail – In the evening there will be light
the marriage
Cultural Heart and Immaculate Conception
Relationship situation on Planet Earth
healing hormones and poisoning substances
Integral Ethics
R. Women-Universel-Global-Ethics
with the Wise Serpent
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred
New Mythology – the Religion after the religions
V. Transcultural
and Humanity
and Songs
Universel – Intertextual Human Experience
last words
Interreligious Sciences of Sacred Art-Therapy (ISSAT)
Canticum Graduum
The Cosmic Mandala
Vom Flügelschlag der Schmetterlinge